Engine: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable, then drain cooling system.2. Disconnect heater hose at thermostat housing, then upper radiator hose.
3. Disconnect air cleaner to throttle body duct.
4. Remove upper radiator support.
5. Remove engine cooling fan.
6. On models equipped with A/C, discharge A/C system, then disconnect hoses from A/C compressor and discard O-rings.
7. On all models, disconnect two vacuum lines at front of engine.
8. Disconnect electrical connectors from alternator, A/C compressor (if equipped), injector harness, idle air control and throttle position sensor at throttle body and position aside.
9. Disconnect electrical connections from starter motor solenoid.
10. Disconnect ground connections at engine front mount and battery ground cable at transaxle.
11. Disconnect electrical connectors at ignition coil and module assembly, both coolant sensors, oil pressure switch, power steering switch, knock sensor, oxygen sensor, crankshaft position sensor, vehicle speed sensor, neutral safety or back-up lamp switch and starter solenoid connector.
12. Disconnect power brake unit vacuum hose from throttle body and power brake unit vacuum tube to check valve hose from tube.
13. Disconnect throttle cable and remove throttle cable bracket.
14. Remove power steering pump rear bracket and power brake vacuum tube as an assembly.
15. Remove power steering pivot bolt, pump and drive belt. Position pump aside with lines attached.
16. De-pressurize fuel system, then disconnect fuel lines.
17. On models with manual transaxle, disconnect shift cables, then remove clutch slave cylinder.
18. On models with automatic transaxle, disconnect shift cable, throttle valve cables and transaxle oil cooler lines.
19. On all models, remove exhaust manifold and heat shield, then lower radiator hose.
20. Remove nut from front engine mount, then install engine support tool J-28467, or equivalent.
21. Raise and support vehicle, then remove front wheel and tire assemblies.
22. Remove right hand lower splash shield and radiator air deflector.
23. Separate ball joints from steering knuckles.
24. Using a suitable holding fixture, support front suspension, then remove suspension support attaching bolts. Remove suspension supports, crossmember and stabilizer bar as an assembly. Then remove heater outlet hose from radiator outlet pipe.
25. Position tool J-34754, or equivalent, on drive axle boots, then remove axle shafts from transaxle and position aside.
26. Remove transaxle rear mount through bolt nut, then remove nut from engine rear mount through bolt.
27. Remove rear engine mount body bracket, then position suitable support under engine and lower vehicle to engine support.
28. Remove transaxle mount through bolt.
29. Mark engine support fixture hook threads so engine can be returned to this position for installation, then remove engine support fixture.
30. Slowly and carefully raise vehicle off engine and transaxle assembly. It may be necessary to move engine and transaxle assembly slightly rearward to provide for intake manifold clearance.
31. Separate engine from transaxle.
32. Reverse procedure to install.