Instruments - Fuel Gauge Responds Slowly After Fueling
File In Section: 8 - Chassis/Body ElectricalBulletin No.: 73-83-15
Date: April, 1997
Fuel Gauge Responds Slowly After Fueling
1996-97 Passenger Cars and Trucks (Except Geo)
Some owners may comment that the fuel gage reading responds very slowly after fueling the vehicle. The needle may take up to 8 minutes before reaching the "FULL" mark.
Most 1997 vehicles, and some 1996, contain a damping function in the fuel gauge circuit. This allows the gauge to respond slowly to changes in tank level, preventing the large needle swings when the vehicle is driven around comers or during acceleration/deceleration. This is called an "anti-slosh" function.
The anti-slosh function does not operate immediately after the ignition is first turned on. Therefore, the above condition will only occur if the ignition is left on during fueling. The owner can get the correct reading immediately by turning the ignition key off, then on.