All Door Lock
^ The Body Control Module (BCM) locks all doors when pressing lock once on either door lock switch with all doors closed.^ The BCM delays door locking when the driver's door is open with the key removed from the ignition switch, thus enabling the last door closed locking feature. A first press of lock on a door lock switch initiates this feature. This causes the BCM to sound the chime 3 times, indicating last door closed locking is active. 5 seconds after all doors are closed, the BCM locks all doors. Pressing lock twice on a door lock switch bypasses the last door closed locking feature, thus the BCM locks all doors immediately with a door still open.
^ The BCM does not lock the doors when the driver's door is open and the key is fully inserted in the ignition switch, thus enabling the lockout prevention feature.
Pressing lock on either door lock switch sends a ground signal to the BCM through circuit 780. When the BCM deems appropriate to lock the doors (based on last door closed locking and lockout prevention features), the BCM to apply voltage from circuit 1540 to circuit 295 for 350 (+/- 35) ms, energizing all door actuators and locking all vehicle doors.