Text List of Connector Locations
CONNECTORS LOCATIONC101 (8 cavities) I/P wiring harness to engine wiring harness, LH side of engine compartment, near strut tower
C102 (10 cavities) Engine wiring harness to fuel injector wiring harness, top of engine near generator
C105 (4 cavities) Engine wiring harness to engine coolant fan wiring harness, on radiator RH cooling fan
C108 (5 cavities) Engine wiring harness to fuel injector wiring harness, top of engine near generator
C110 (8 cavities) Engine wiring harness to electronic ignition control module wiring harness, top of engine near ignition control module
C111 (7 cavities) Engine wiring harness to automatic transaxle wiring harness, LH side of engine compartment, top of transmission
C113 (14 cavities) Engine wiring harness to automatic transaxle wiring harness, LH side of engine compartment, top of transaxle
C120 (2 cavities) I/P wiring harness to forward lamp wiring harness, RH side of engine compartment, near battery
C125 (1 cavity) Engine wiring harness to knock sensor module wiring harness, lower front of engine, left of bank 2 knock sensor
C126 (3 cavities) Engine wiring harness to engine coolant temperature sensor wiring harness, top front of engine
C141 (10 cavities) Forward lamp to headlamp connector, behind LH headlamp
C142 (10 cavities) Forward lamp to headlamp connector, behind RH headlamp
C171 (2 cavities) I/P wiring harness to LF electronic brake control wiring harness, LH front lower control arm
C172 (2 cavities) I/P wiring harness to RF electronic brake control wiring harness, RH front lower control arm
C181 (6 cavities) I/P wiring harness to engine wiring harness, LH engine compartment, front of strut tower
C191 (1 cavity) I/P wiring harness to engine wiring harness, LH engine compartment, front of strut tower
C200 (56 cavities) I/P wiring harness to body wiring harness, behind RH side of I/P
C201 (48 cavities) I/P wiring harness to steering column wiring harness, behind I/P on RH side of steering column
C205 (4 cavities) I/P wiring harness to inflatable restraint steering wheel module coil wiring harness, behind I/P on RH side of steering column
C206 (3 cavities) Power drop connector, I/P wiring harness to body wiring harness, behind RH side of I/P near C200
C207 (2 cavities) I/P to ignition key switch, RH side of steering column, near steering column bracket
C215 (2 cavities) I/P wiring harness to inflatable restraint steering wheel module coil wiring harness, behind I/P, on RH side of steering column
C216 (2 cavities) I/P wiring harness to inflatable restraint I/P module wiring harness, RH side of steering column, near steering column bracket
C240 (10 cavities) I/P wiring harness to front floor console wiring harness, behind front end of console
C242 (3 cavities) I/P wiring harness to ashtray wiring harness, behind ashtray
C250 (8 cavities) Body wiring harness to mobile telephone wiring harness, behind center of I/P
C252 (32 cavities) I/P wiring harness to mobile telephone wiring harness, behind center of I/P
C290 I/P radio antenna to antenna extension, behind RH side of I/P near door
C301 (16 cavities) Body wiring harness to LF door wiring harness, in A-pillar
C302 (16 cavities) Body wiring harness to RF door wiring harness, in A-pillar
C303 (10 cavities) Body wiring harness to LF door wiring harness, in A-pillar
C304 (10 cavities) Body wiring harness to RF door wiring harness, in A-pillar
C311 (6 cavities) Body wiring harness to driver seat adjuster wiring harness, below driver seat
C312 (6 cavities) Body wiring harness to passenger seat adjuster wiring harness, below passenger seat
C351 (10 cavities) Body wiring harness to LR door wiring harness, in B-pillar
C352 (10 cavities) Body wiring harness to RR door wiring harness, in B-pillar
C371 (2 cavities) Body wiring harness to LR electronic brake control wiring harness, below vehicle forward of LR wheel
C372 (2 cavities) Body wiring harness to RR electronic brake control wiring harness, below vehicle forward of RR wheel
C390 (8 cavities) Body wiring harness to quarter courtesy and reading lamp wiring harness, behind lower RH C-pillar trim panel
C395 (2 cavities) Body wiring harness to rear window antenna wiring harness, rear compartment under RH side of rear window trim panel
C398 (3 cavities) Body wiring harness to sun roof wiring harness, behind RH C-pillar trim panel
C399 Radio antenna extension to radio antenna, behind RH C-pillar trim panel
C401 (6 cavities) Body wiring harness to LH tail lamp wiring harness, in rear compartment, behind tail lamp
C402 (6 cavities) Body wiring harness to RH tail lamp wiring harness, in rear compartment, behind tail lamp
C405 (8 cavities) Body wiring harness to fuel level sensor wiring harness, rear compartment floor, forward of spare tire well
C410 (8 cavities) Body wiring harness to rear compartment lid wiring harness, RH side of trunk, above wheel well
C415 (4 cavities) Rear compartment lid wiring harness to backup lamp wiring harness, in center of rear compartment lid applique
C420 (2 cavities) Body wiring harness to high-mounted stop lamp wiring harness, in rear compartment, under center of rear window trim panel
C915 Rear compartment lid wiring harness to the backup lamp wiring harness, in the center of the rear compartment lid applique