Aluminum Wheel Refinishing
A protective clearcoat and/or base color coats the surface of the original equipment cast aluminum wheels. Surface degradation may develop from the use of wrong balance weights. Frequent, repeated automatic car wash cleaning from facilities using aggressive silicon carbide tipped tire brushes for cleaning whitewalls and tires may also damage the finish. Once the protective clearcoat is damaged, exposure to caustic cleaners and/or road salt causes further surface degradation.The refinishing of aluminum wheels requires that the wheel surface be plastic media blasted in order to remove old clearcoat or paint. The re-machining or the use of chemical strippers is not recommended due to concerns of repair durability. The service procedure details how to strip, clean and recoat aluminum wheel rims that are affected by the above condition.
You may use three different paint systems to refinish aluminum wheels. These products have shown the required repair durability. These products are the only paint systems that meet the manufacturer's specification 4350M-A336.
^ System 1: DuPont Products
^ System 2: PPG Products
^ System 3: Spies Hecker
If the wheels being painted were previously clearcoated aluminum, the use of Corsican SILVER WAEQ9283 for a fine aluminum-like look or Sparkle SILVER WA9967 for a very bright look is recommended. Refer to the paint manufacturer's color book for body color selection and verification. Refinish all four wheels and their center caps to ensure color uniformity.
Important: Refer to and follow the individual formula and process which the manufacturer of each specific paint system provides. Use the products listed as a system only. Do not mix other manufacturers' product lines with the required materials of a given system. The products listed have shown the required repair durability. These products are the only paint systems that meet the manufacturer's specification.
CAUTION: To avoid serious personal injury when applying any two part component paint system, follow the specific precautions provided by the paint manufacturer. Failure to follow these precautions may cause lung irritation and allergic respiratory reaction.
1. Remove the wheels from the vehicle. Refer to WHEEL REMOVAL. Keep the tires mounted on the wheels.
2. Mark the location of the weights on the tire.
3. Remove the balance weights.
4. Record the value of each weight for re-installation.
5. Use wax and grease remover to wipe any excess grease and/or dirt from the wheels.
Important: The re-machining of aluminum wheels or the use of chemical strippers is not recommended due to concerns of durability.
6. Blast the wheels with plastic media in order to remove old paint or clearcoat.
7. Mask off the wheels and tires.
8. Refer to and follow the individual painting formula and process provided by the manufacturer of each specific paint system.
9. Unmask the wheels and tires.
10. Install the new coated balance weights at the locations marked on the tires.
11. Clean all wheel mounting surfaces of any corrosion, overspray or dirt.
Install the wheels to the vehicle. Refer to WHEEL INSTALLATION.