Carpet - Right Rear Floor Wet
File In Section: 10 - BodyBulletin No.: 83-15-14
Date: July, 1998
Right Rear Floor Wet
(Reseal with Silicone Sealer)
1998 Buick Century, Regal
Built Between VIN Breakpoints W1587942 and W1584117
Some customers may comment that the right rear floor is wet with clean water.
This condition may be caused by the stationary glass missing a foam seal that diverts water away from the door inner panel.
1. Remove retaining screw at front of molding.
2. Remove outer belt molding.
3. Clean surface of stationary glass (See Figure 1).
4. Apply GM Silicone Sealer (P/N 12346192), or equivalent, to the stationary glass as shown in Figure 1.
5. Reinstall molding and retaining screw.
Parts Information
P/N Description
12346192 Silicone Sealer
Parts are currently available from GMSPO.
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:
Labor Operation Description Labor Time
B7920 Molding and/or Outer 0.2 hr
Strip R & R or Replace
Add To Clean Quarter Glass 0.1 hr
and Install Sealer