Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Text Description

A/C Clutch RH front of Engine Compartment
A/C Clutch Diode LH side of Engine
A/C Clutch Relay Right rear Engine Compartment
A/C Sensor RH front of Engine Compartment
Antenna/Rear Defogger Front top of Luggage Compartment
Antenna/Rear Defogger Module Center top of Luggage Compartment
Ashtray Lamp Center IP
Automatic Lamp Control Diode Front Impact Bar
Automatic Lamp Control Relay Front Impact Bar
Automatic Transaxle Control Center Console
Back Up Lamps Switch Left rear of Transaxle
Blower Motor Right rear Engine Compartment
Blower Motor Relay Right rear Engine Compartment
Blower Resistor Assembly Right rear Engine Compartment
Brake Fluid Level Switch LH front of Dash
Brake Switch LH lower IP near Steering Column
Brake Transaxle Shift Interlock (BTSI) Solenoid Center IP near Tie Bar
Cigar Lighter (With Console) Center Console
Cigar Lighter (Without console) Center IP
Cigar Lighter Lamp Center Console
Convenience Center Left side of Steering Column behind IP
Cruise Control Brake Switch LH lower IP near Steering Column
Cruise Control Clutch Switch LH lower IP near Steering Column
Cruise Control Module Front of Dash
Data Link Connector Left side of IP
Daytime Running Lamps Relay Front Impact Bar
Dome Lamp Headliner
Door Lock Relay Left IP
Electronic Brake Control Module Right rear Engine Compartment
Engine Compartment Fuse Center Left side of Engine Compartment
Engine Coolant Level Switch RH front of Engine Compartment
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor (VIN M) Rear of Engine
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor (VIN T) Left rear of Engine
Enhanced Traction Control Switch (Oldsmobile) Center Console
Enhanced Traction Control Switch (Pontiac) Center IP Near Tie Bar
Fog Lamp Relay Front Impact Bar
Fog Lamp Switch Left side of IP
Forward-Back Motor Left side of Passenger Compartment
Front Height Motor Left side of Passenger Compartment
Fuel Tank Unit Under rear of Vehicle
Fuse Block Left side of IP
Generator Rear of Engine
Headlamp Switch Below Steering Column
Heater A/C Control Assembly Center IP
High Mounted Stoplamp Assembly (W/O Spoiler) Headliner
High Mounted Stoplamp Assembly (W/Spoiler) Headliner
Horn Relay Left of Steering Column behind IP
Ignition Switch Below Steering Column
Ignition Switch Upper Steering Column
Ignition lock Solenoid Lower LH side of Steering Column
Inline Fuse A Lower IP-RH side of Steering Column
Inline Fuse B Lower IP-RH side of Steering Column
Instrument Panel Cluster Left side of IP
Intermittent Panel Compartment Lamp Right side of IP in IP Compartment
Isolation Relay Front Impact Bar
LH Back-Up Lamp (Buick) Rear of Vehicle
LH Back-Up Lamp (Oldsmobile) Rear of Vehicle
LH Back-Up Lamp (Pontiac) Rear of Vehicle
LH Composite Headlamp Assembly LH front Fascia
LH Fog Lamp LH front Impact Bar
LH Front Door lock Switch LH front Door
LH Header Courtesy/Reading Lamp Headliner
LH Header Courtesy/Reading Lamp Switch Headliner
LH Horn LH front Impact Bar
LH Outside Mirror LH front Door
LH Tail/Stop-Turn Lamp Rear Compartment
LH Vanity Mirror Lamp Headliner
LH courtesy Lamp LH lower IP
LH front Door Handle Switch LH front Door
LH front Door Lock Motor LH front Door
LH front Door Lock Switch LH front Door
LH front Marker Lamp LH front Fascia
LH front Park/Turn Lamp Left front behind Fascia
LH front Speaker LH front Door
LH front Window Motor LH front door
LH front door Handle Switch LH front Door
LH rear Door Jamb Switch LH rear Door
LH rear Door Lock Motor LH rear Door
LH rear Marker Lamp LH side of rear Fascia
LH rear Quarter Courtesy/Reading Lamp Switch Headliner
LH rear Speaker Front top of Luggage Compartment
LH rear Window Motor LH rear door
LH rear Window Switch LH rear door
LH rear quarter Courtesy Reading Lamp Headliner
Lamp Dimmer Module IP near Steering Column
License Lamp Rear Fascia
Luggage Compartment Lid Release Solenoid Luggage Compartment Lid
Master Switch Assembly LH front Door
Master Window Switch LH front Door
Multi-Function Alarm Module IP near Steering Column
Multi-Function lever Lower LH side of Steering Column
Oil Level Switch Right rear of Engine
Oil Pressure Sensor Front right of Engine
Outside Mirror Switch LH front Door
PRNDL Control Module (Buick) Center IP near Tie Bar
PRNDL Control Module (Oldsmobile/Pontiac) Center IP near Tie Bar
PRNDL Control Module (Oldsn0obile/Pontiac) Center IP near Tie Bar
Panel Dimmer Switch LH side of IP
Park Brake Switch LH lower IP
Park Lamp Relay Front Impact Bar
Passlock TM Lock Cylinder Below Steering Column
Passlock TM Lock Cylinder Upper Steering Column
Photoresistor Top center of IP
Power Seat Switch Left side of Passenger Compartment
Powertrain Control Module (PCM) RH front of IP
Program Connector Left front Luggage Compartment
RH Back-Up Lamp (Buick) Rear of Vehicle
RH Back-Up Lamp (Oldsmobile) Rear of Vehicle
RH Back-Up Lamp (Pontiac) Rear of Vehicle
RH Composite Headlamp Assembly RH front Fascia
RH Courtesy Lamp RH Lower IP
RH Fog Lamp LH front Impact Bar
RH Front Door Handle Switch RH front Door
RH Front Door Lock Switch RH front Door
RH Front Window Switch RH front Door
RH Header Courtesy/Reading Lamp Headliner
RH Header Courtesy/Reading Lamp Switch Headliner
RH Horn LH front Impact Bar
RH Outside Mirror RH front Door
RH Tail/Stop-Turn Lamp Rear Compartment
RH Vanity Mirror Lamp Headliner
RH front Door Handle Switch RH front Door
RH front Door Lock Motor RH front Door
RH front Door Lock Switch RH front Door
RH front Marker Lamp RH front Fascia
RH front Park/Turn Lamp RH front Fascia
RH front Speaker RH front Door
RH front Window Motor RH front Door
RH front Window Switch RH front Door
RH rear Door Jamb Switch RH rear Door
RH rear Door Lock Motor RH rear Door
RH rear Marker Lamp Side of rear Fascia
RH rear Quarter Courtesy/Reading Lamp Headliner
RH rear Quarter Courtesy/Reading Lamp Switch Headliner
RH rear Speaker Front top of Luggage Compartment
RH rear Window Motor RH rear Door
RH rear Window Switch RH rear Door
Radio Center IP
Rear Compartment Courtesy Lamp Left front luggage Compartment
Rear Compartment Courtesy Lamp Switch Left Front Luggage Compartment
Rear Defogger Front top of Luggage Compartment
Rear Defogger Relay left side of IP
Rear Defogger Switch Center IP near HVAC Control Assembly
Rear Height Motor Left side of Passenger Compartment
Remote Control Door Lock Receiver Left front Luggage Compartment
SIR Coil Assembly Below Steering Column
Seat Belt Switch Left side of Passenger Compartment
Sensing Diagnostic Module (SDM) Right side of Passenger Compartment
Steering Wheel Controls Steering Wheel
Sunroof Assembly Center of Roof
Transaxle Range Switch Left side of Engine Compartment
Transaxle Range Switch Left side of Engine Compartment
Turn/Hazard Flasher Left of Steering Column behind IP
Turn/Hazard Headlamp Switch Assembly Steering Column
Underhood Lamp LH rear of Engine Compartment
Washer Motor Left front behind Fascia
Washer Solvent Level Sensor Left front behind Fascia
Wiper Motor Assembly LH rear of Engine Compartment
Wiper Switch Assembly Lower LH side of Steering Column
Wiper Switch Assembly Lower level side of Steering Column