Interior Lamp Control
The rotary switch to the left of the steering column controls the interior lamps.The multi-function alarm module will illuminate the interior lamps when any door is opened. The lamps will stay on after the doors are closed for forty seconds or until ignition lock cylinder is turned "ON". This feature is inhibited for two minutes after the ignition lock cylinder is turned "OFF". During this time period, the interior lamps will illuminate for four seconds when any door is opened, and turn off when the ignition lock cylinder is turned "ON" or the passive seatbelt solenoid speed threshold (VSS) is exceeded. Additionally, the interior lamps will be illuminated for fifteen seconds after the ignition lock cylinder is turned "OFF" and the key is removed as an illuminated exit feature. Under most conditions, the interior lamps will fade gradually (theater dimming) instead of instant off.
When the wheel is in the full left position, the dome lamp and courtesy lamps will be illuminated.