Air Bag Systems: Service Precautions
These diagnostic procedures will help you to find and repair SIR system malfunctions. This service category also contains information for repairing SIR system malfunctions. For best results, use the diagnostic tables, and follow the sequence listed below:1. Perform the SIR diagnostic system check. All SIR diagnostics must begin with the SIR diagnostic system check. The SIR diagnostic system check determines the following:
^ Proper AIR BAG warning lamp operation.
^ Ability of the Sensing and Diagnostic Module (SDM) to communicate through the data link connector (DLC).
^ Existence of SIR diagnostic trouble codes (DTC).
2. Refer to the diagnostic table as directed by the SIR diagnostic system check. The diagnostic tables will help enable you to diagnose any SIR system malfunction. Bypassing these procedures may result in the following:
^ Extended Diagnostic Time.
^ Incorrect Diagnosis.
^ Incorrect Parts Replacement.
3. Repeat the SIR diagnostic system check after you perform any repair or diagnostic procedures. This will verify that you correctly performed the repair. This will also ensure that no other malfunctions exist.