Theft Deterrent - Programming Components
Programming Theft Deterrent System Components
Important: When replacing the ignition keys, determine the necessary mechanical cut (code). Cut the mechanical code into the unlearned ignition key. The mechanical code is available from the following sources:
^ The vehicle invoice
^ The ignition lock cylinder
^ The original ignition key knock out
If you are not able to determine the mechanical code, replace the ignition lock cylinder. Refer to Ignition Lock Cylinder Replacement - On Vehicle in Steering Wheel and Column - Tilt.
Use this procedure when you replace the following components:
^ The PASS-Key� theft deterrent control module
^ The steering column assembly
^ The PCM
^ The ignition keys
Refer to Programming Additional Keys in order learn additional ignition keys.
1. Insert a valid mechanical coded unlearned ignition key into the ignition lock cylinder.
2. Turn the ignition switch to the RUN position. The SECURITY indicator illuminates for the length of the auto learn timer (10 minutes).
3. When the auto learn timer expires and the SECURITY indicator turns OFF, turn the ignition switch to the OFF position. Remove the key
4. Wait 10 seconds.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 twice for a total of 30 minutes.
6. Insert the newly learned key into the ignition lock cylinder.Turn the ignition switch to the RUN position. The SECURITY indicator remains OFF. This indicates that the new ignition key was learned.
All Keys Lost -- Service Programming System (SPS)
If the valid key code counter is equal to 10, and if the customer has lost all the keys that the PASS-KEY� III module has learned, the PASS-KEY� III module may be reprogrammed in order to learn 10 new keys. This procedure will require 10 minutes in order to complete. The Techline terminal is used in order to input a security code into the PASS-KEY� III module. This reduces the time necessary in order to learn keys in this situation. The Techline terminal may also load the security code into the scan tool for subsequent downloading to the PASS-KEY� III module.
1. Cut the new key using the mechanical key code for the vehicle.
2. Prepare the Techline terminal (and scan tool if needed) and connect to the vehicle.
3. Insert the new key in the ignition.
4. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position.
5. Download the security code from the SPS system via scan tool. The security indicator will flash once per second.
6. Leave the key ON in this state for 10 minutes.
7. Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position.
8. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position. The security indicator will illuminate for 2 seconds and the new key is learned.
9. Disconnect the scan tool.
This procedure will reset the valid key code counter to 1.