Automated Bleed Procedure
PREPARATION PROCEDUREThe auto bleed procedure provides a complete brake system bleed on Teves Mark IV equipped vehicles.
The procedure cycles the system valves and runs the pump in order to purge air from secondary circuits. These secondary circuits are normally closed off during non-ABS/TCS mode operation and bleeding.
Use the auto bleed procedure under either of the following conditions-.
^ When suspecting that the air has been ingested into the system secondary circuits
^ When the Brake Pressure Modulator Valve (BPMV) has been replaced using a new unit
NOTICE: The Auto Bleed Procedure may be terminated at any time during the process by pressing the EXIT button. No further Scan Tool prompts pertaining to the Auto Bleed procedure will be given. After exiting the bleed procedure, relieve bleed pressure and disconnect bleed equipment per manufacturers instructions. Failure to properly relieve pressure may result in spilled brake fluid causing damage to components and painted surfaces.
1. Suitably support and raise the vehicle.
2. Remove the 4 wheels.
3. Inspect the brake system for leaks or component damage. Correct any problems before beginning the procedure.
4. Ensure that the vehicle battery is fully charged.
5. Connect the scan tool to the DLC.
6. Turn the ignition to RUN. Do not start the engine.
7. Establish communications with the scan tool.
8. Select ABS/TCS system features.
11. Bleed the brake system.
12. Follow the scan tool menu driven instruction in order to achieve the proper brake pedal height.
^ If any malfunctions are detected, the bleed procedure will be aborted.
^ If DTCs are present, the scan tool will either display the message DTCs PRESENT or list the DTCs. (This depends on when the DTCs were set.) DTCs may be displayed or cleared, as appropriate, in the trouble codes mode.
^ If the test is aborted but no DTCs are listed, refer to ABS Diagnostic System Check.
Correct all system malfunctions, and attempt the bleed procedure again.
If a road test is required for diagnosis and the brake pedal is spongy, perform a conventional brake bleed. Achieve a firm pedal before driving the vehicle.
13. When the auto bleed procedure is complete, depress the brake pedal.
The pedal should be high and firm. If the pedal is not high and firm, reinspect the brake system thoroughly for any conditions that may cause excess brake pedal travel. Refer to ABS Diagnostic System Check.
If the brake system is OK but excess pedal travel exists, repeat the auto bleed procedure.
14. Disconnect the scan tool.
15. Reinstall the wheels and the tires.
16. Lower the vehicle.
17. Inspect the brake fluid level in the reservoir. Fill the reservoir if necessary.
18. Road test the vehicle.
^ Make several ABS and TCS actuations in a suitable area.
^ The brake pedal should remain high and firm after the road test.