Delayed Locking Feature
This personalization feature permits the delay of all door locking until 5 seconds after the last door is closed. This feature is controlled by the RIM which operates based on data received over the Class 2 serial data circuits.1. When the lock function is requested (either by the Remote Function Actuator (RFA) or the DDM while the drivers door is open and the ignition key is removed from the ignition, the RIM commands the radio, via the Class 2 serial data circuit, to sound the chime 3 times to signal that the delayed locking is active.
2. When the DDM detects that the driver door is closed, and receives the message from the other door modules that their respective doors are also closed, it sends a Class 2 message to the RIM.
3. The RIM waits for 5 seconds, then sends the Class 2 message to the DDM to lock doors. The DDM sends the power door serial data message to the rest of the door modules to lock the doors.
If a door is opened during the 5 second delay period, the RIM resets the timer and waits until it again receives the doors closed message from the DDM to restart the delay period.
Pressing a power lock switch on a door or on the remote transmitter for the RFA causes the RIM to override this feature and lock all doors immediately.
To program the delayed locking feature, refer to Personalization Description and Operation in Personalization.