Stabilizer Shaft ReplacementRemoval Procedure
Caution: Failure to disconnect intermediate shaft from rack and pinion stub shaft can result in damage to steering gear and/or intermediate shaft. This damage can cause loss of steering control which could result in personal injury.
1. Raise and suitably support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
2. Remove the left tire and wheel assembly.
3. Remove the pinch bolt from the lower intermediate steering shaft.
4. Loosen all insulator clamp attaching bolts.
5. Place a jackstand under the center of the rear frame crossmember.
6. Remove the rear frame-to-body bolts.
7. Lower the rear of the frame just enough to gain access to the stabilizer shaft.
8. Remove the insulator clamp bolts and the clamps from the frame.
9. Remove the insulators from the stabilizer bar.
10. Remove the stabilizer bar links from the control arms.
11. Pull the stabilizer shaft rearward.
12. Swing the stabilizer shaft down to remove the stabilizer shaft from the left side of the vehicle.
Installation Procedure
Caution: When installing the intermediate shaft make sure that the shaft is seated prior to pinch bolt installation. If the pinch bolt is inserted into the coupling before shaft installation, the two mating shafts may disengage. Disengagement of the two mating shafts will cause toss of steering control which could result in personal injury.
1. Insert the stabilizer shaft to the left side of the vehicle.
Important: DO NOT tighten the stabilizer link nut at this time. The weight of the vehicle must be supported by the control arms such that you can obtain the vehicle design trim heights before tightening the link nut.
2. Loosely install the stabilizer shaft link at the control arm.
3. Install the insulators on to the stabilizer bar.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
4. Connect the insulator clamps to the frame.
^ Tighten the stabilizer shaft bracket bolts to 48 Nm (35 ft. lbs.).
5. Raise the frame into position while you guide the steering shaft onto the gear.
6. Install the new frame-to-body attaching bolts.
7. Remove the jackstand.
8. Install the pinch bolt and tighten.
9. Install the left tire and wheel assembly.
10. Lower the vehicle.
11. Support the weight of the vehicle by the control arms.
12. Tighten the stabilizer link nut.
^ Tighten the stabilizer shaft link nut to 23 Nm (17 ft. lbs.).