Oil Filter: Service and Repair
Engine Oil and Oil Filter Replacement
1. Raise and support the vehicle.
2. Position the oil drain pan under the engine oil drain plug.
3. Remove the engine oil drain plug.
4. Clean and inspect the engine oil drain plug, repair or replace if necessary.
5. Clean and inspect the engine oil drain plug sealing surface on the oil pan, repair or replace oil pan if necessary.
6. Remove the oil filter.
1. Lightly oil the replacement oil filter gasket with clean oil and install the new oil filter.
2. Install the new oil filter.
Tighten the new oil filter to 3/4 to 1 full turn, after the oil filter gasket contacts the oil filter mounting surface.
3. Install the engine oil drain plug.
Tighten the engine oil drain plug to 20 Nm (15 lb. ft.).
4. Remove the oil drain pan.
5. Lower the vehicle.
6. Fill the engine with new engine oil.