Generator Whine Concerns
1. Inspect the ground terminal and cable for high resistance.2. Inspect the generator and brackets for loose or coated mounting bolts.
3. Inspect that the ground straps between the engine and the frame are clean and tight.
4. If the noise is still present, inspect the charging system for proper operation. Refer to Diagnostic Starting Point - Starting and Charging. Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview
5. Install a filter GM P/N 1224205 in the battery voltage feed circuit to the radio.
6. If the noise is not eliminated, install the filter in each following variation:
^ Install the filter with the single wire side toward the radio and the ground wire attached to chassis ground.
^ Remove the ground to the filter.
^ Reverse the filter so the 2-wire side is toward the radio with the ground wire attached to chassis ground.
^ Remove the ground from the filter.
7. If the filter GM P/N 1224205 causes a delay when turning the radio ON or OFF, or other problems, remove the filter and Install a 0.47 micro farad capacitor to chassis ground.
8. Before reassembling the vehicle, remove any unneeded filters.
9. Test the functionality all of the vehicle systems including those not related to the audio system, for proper operation and function.