51. Engine Front Cover Clean and Inspect
Engine Front Cover Cleaning and InspectionImportant: Do not reuse the crankshaft oil seal. install a NEW crankshaft oil seal during assembly.
Do not reuse the front cover-to-engine block gasket. Install a NEW gasket during assembly.
1. Remove the crankshaft oil seal (1) from the front cover.
2. Clean the cover in solvent. Remove the sealant from the cover oil pan surface.
Caution: Refer to Safety Glasses Caution in Service Precautions.
3. Dry the cover with compressed air.
4. Inspect the gasket sealing surfaces for excessive scratches or gouging.
5. Inspect the cover-to-oil pan threaded bolt holes for damaged threads or debris.
6. Inspect the crankshaft oil seal mounting bore for damage.