Electronic Column Lock Module - Disassemble
Electronic Column Lock Module -Disassemble - Off Vehicle (Column Shift)- Tools Required
- J 42759 Ignition Switch Connector Release Tool
Caution: Refer to SIR Caution in Service Precautions.
1. Disable the inflatable restraint steering wheel module.
Important: The abrasion sleeve located on the steering column wire harness assembly must be reinstalled. Make note of what connector, electronic lock module assembly, is coming out of the middle of the abrasion sleeve for installation purposes.
2. Remove the turn signal switch housing.
3. Remove the park lock cable assembly (1) from the electronic lock module assembly in the following way:
3.1. Place the steering column lock cylinder set into the OFF position.
3.2. Place the shift lever clevis into the PARK position.
3.3. Use a small blade to push against the locking tab on the end of the park lock cable assembly (1).
3.4. Disconnect the park lock cable assembly (1) from the electronic lock module assembly.
4. Rotate the key alarm connector (1) 90 degrees.
5. Pull the key alarm connector (1) out of the electronic lock module assembly (2).
6. Remove the passkey connector from the electronic lock module assembly (2).
7. Insert J 42759 into the electronic lock module assembly (1) and slide the ignition and key alarm switch assembly (2) out.
8. Let the ignition and key alarm switch assembly (2) hang freely.
9. Remove the 3 TORX (R) (R) screws (2) from the electronic lock module assembly (1).
10. Remove the electronic lock module assembly (1) from the steering column tilt head assembly.