Cooling Fan Description and Operation (LF1, LFW, LFX)
Cooling Fan Description and Operation (LF1, LFW, LFX)
The engine cooling fan system is composed of one electric cooling fan, a series of 5 relays, the engine control module (ECM), and the associated wiring. The cooling fan assembly includes two separate resistors mounted in the cooling fan shroud. This combination of components enables the ECM to operate the cooling fan at 3 speeds using two fan control circuits.
Low Speed Operation
The ECM applies ground at the FAN 1 control circuit for the coil side of the cooling fan relay. The energized cooling fan relay completes a ground, through the switch side of the relay, for the coils of the cooling fan low speed relay and the cooling fan speed control relay. The speed control relay activates and supplies B+ to the coil side of the cooling fan high speed relay. The high speed relay remains inactive because the ECM is not commanding the FAN 2 control circuit ON. The energized low speed relay switch closes to supply B+ through the external low speed resistor, to the engine cooling fan motor. The result is cooling fan operation at a reduced speed.
Medium Speed Operation
The ECM applies ground at the FAN 2 control circuit for the coil side of the cooling fan high speed, and medium speed relays. The high speed relay remains inactive because the ECM is not commanding the FAN 1 control circuit ON. The energized medium speed relay switch closes to supply B+ through the external medium speed resistor, to the engine cooling fan motor. The result is cooling fan operation at a medium speed.
High Speed Operation
The ECM applies ground at the FAN 1 control circuit for the coil side of the cooling fan relay. The energized cooling fan relay completes a ground, through the switch side of the relay, for the coil of the cooling fan speed control relay. The energized speed control relay switch closes to supply B+ to the coil side of cooling fan high speed relay. Simultaneously, the ECM applies ground at the FAN 2 control circuit for the coil side of the cooling fan high speed relay. The energized high speed relay switch closes to supply B+ directly to the engine cooling fan motor, by-passing the external resistors. The result is cooling fan operation at full speed.