Engine - Rear Main Seal Oil Leak
Bulletin No. T 84-53File In Group 6A
Number 56
Date Mar. '84
This bulletin supersedes Serviceman Bulletin 83-18, Group 6A, #29, November, 1982, which should be destroyed.
Some 1982 Cimarrons may experience a rear main seal oil leak. To correct this condition, a new 1.8L crankshaft (P/N 14086053) and a one-piece rear main seal kit (P/N 14081761) has been released for service. This crankshaft does not have knurls in the seal area, and requires the use of the new one-piece rear main seal. The one-piece seal kit contains an installation tool, rear main seal, and an instruction sheet.
Before replacing a rear main seal and/or crankshaft, care should be taken in determining the exact source of the leak.
Service Procedure for Installation of Narrow One-Piece Crankshaft Seal and Crankshaft
1. Remove engine and mount on stand in inverted position with coolant and oil drained.
2. Remove crankshaft per Service Manual instructions.
3. With crankshaft out of engine, remove oil seal and clean all sealant and foreign material from cylinder case, bearing cap and crankshaft using a non-abrasive cleaning solvent.
4. Inspect components for nicks, burrs, scratches and machining defects at all sealing and mating surfaces and crankshaft journal.
5. Apply a very thin coat (approximately 1.0 mm bead) of anaerobic sealant 1052357 to O.D. of new seal. Seal should remain on installation tool as received in the seal kit during application of the sealant.
6. Push seal and tool assembly onto the rear of the new crankshaft as far as it will go. Position the arrow points on the tool toward the cylinder and case assembly as shown in the seal kit instructions.
7. With the tool in place, set the crankshaft in the engine block assembly aligning, the seal in the case groove.
8. Remove the installation tool, rotating as shown in seal kit instructions, and discard.
9. Apply a light coat of engine oil on crankshaft journals.
10. Apply a 1.0 mm bead of anaerobic sealant 1052357 to the rear main bearing split line surface between the rear main seal and the oil pan seal groove. Install cap and main bearing. Torque bolts to 95 N-m (70 ft.lbs.).
11. Install remaining caps and main bearings. Torque bolts to 95 N-m (70 ft.lbs.).
12. Install connecting rod bearings and caps. Torque to specifications.
13. Complete engine assembly and installation per Cadillac Service Information Manual
For warranty purposes, use Labor Operation No. J1120 at 7.3 hours (man. trans.) or 7.7 hours (auto. trans.).