Rocker Arm Cover - Right
1. Remove air cleaner.
2. Carefully loosen one screw securing refrigerant hoses to rear of A/C compressor to point where hoses may be pivoted up to allow cover removal. Retighten screw to hold in this position. Do not discharge A/C system.
3. Disconnect two clips holding wiring harness to EGR valve shield and EGR solenoid bracket.
4. Remove spark plug wires and retainers from lower valve cover studs.
5. Remove AIR management valve.
6. Remove vacuum line from throttle body to vacuum pump.
7. Remove EGR valve and heat shield.
8. Remove seven attaching screws and studs and remove cover.
NOTICE: Cover is sealed with RTV sealant. If removal is difficult, tap cover sideways with a plastic hammer or block of wood against the side; of the cover near the top. Do not hammer against; the side of the cover in the middle as damage to the cover could occur. Do not pry against cover lip with pry bar as cover damage could result.
9. Remove and discard triangular end seals and clean RTV from both engine and cover surfaces.
1. Inspect sealing flange of cover to ensure that flange is not distorted from removal. If damage exists, cover should be reformed using a wood block and plastic hammer so that flange is perpendicular to cover all around.
Rocker Arm Cover Sealing:
2. Apply RTV sealer, such as 1052751 or equivalent, to two short edges where cylinder head and intake manifold meet at front and rear of cylinder head. Install new triangular seals in position.
Rocker Arm Cover Sealing:
3. Reseal rocker arm cover with gasket 1627340 or apply a continuous bead 3-4 mm in diameter of RTV sealant, such as 1052751 or equivalent, to the sealing flange of the cover. DO NOT USE RTV ON GASKET.
4. Position cover to cylinder head and install screws. Do not slide cover around to align screws as sealing may be compromised. Try to lower cover on to head in aligned position. Alignment dowels cut from 6 mm bolts will allow exact positioning. Torque to 5 Nm (4 if. lbs.).
5. Replace EGR gasket and install EGR valve and heat shield. Tighten screws to 25 Nm (20 ft. lbs.).
6. Install AIR management valve and tighten fasteners to 25 Nm (20 ft. lbs.).
7. Connect vacuum line from throttle body to vacuum pump.
8. Position spark plug wire retainers to cover mounting studs and connect wires to plugs. Specifications
9. Clip wiring harness in place at EGR valve shield and solenoid bracket.
10. Loosen A/C hose retaining screw at rear of compressor and swivel hose back into position over cover. Retighten screw to 40 Nm (30 ft. lbs.).
11. Install air cleaner.