VIN Plate - Replacement Policy and Procedure
File In Section: 0 - General InformationBulletin No.: 83-01-14
Date: March, 1998
VIN Plate Replacement
1998 and Prior Passenger Cars and Trucks
(U.S. and Canada)
Dealers may receive requests from customers and insurance companies to replace a VIN plate(s) as the result of theft, damage or other reasons.
The Motor Vehicle Registration Agency in each State has a procedure for providing identification plates or decals for vehicles with damaged or missing VIN plates. In some States, the State procedure is the only legal way to replace a damaged or stolen VIN plate. GM is no longer in the position to provide replacement VIN plates because of theft, accident or other damage. Dealer is to advise customers to contact the Motor Vehicle Registration Agency in these cases.
In the event it is suspected that a VIN plate with an incorrect number was installed at the factory, or if the plate was damaged during a warranty repair (windshield replace) GM may arrange for a replacement plate to be installed with the concurrence of the State Motor Vehicle Registration Agency. However, such replacements will be limited to vehicles currently owned and registered to the original purchaser, of current model still in production, and within the Bumper to Bumper time and mileage coverage period. In such cases, dealer is to compare the VIN plate number with all other VIN's on the vehicle including the certification/tire pressure labels, anti theft labels (if applicable), service parts identification label, vehicle invoice (if available), Manufacturers Statement of Origin (unsold vehicle) and any other documents on which the VIN appears, including the title and registration. Dealer is to then contact the Division Service Contact Representative with the details and for further handling with the Division VIN Plate Coordinator.
Article 3.2.7 g. of the GM Service Policies and Procedures Manual will be changed to reflect the above policy with the printing of the next edition.