Distributor Service
Fig 1 Cad. Distributor With Fuel Injection:
Fig 2 Speed Sensor Location:
1. Remove distributor, Fig. 1.
2. Remove rotor.
3. Remove advance springs and weights (if equipped).
4. Remove module retaining screws and move module to a position where connector may be removed.
5. Remove wires from module terminals.
6. Support distributor gear so that distributor shaft will not be damaged, then remove roll pin by driving it out with a punch.
7. Remove gear, shim and washer with tang from shaft. Remove any burrs that may have been caused by removal of roll pin.
NOTE: Some distributors do not use a shim or tanged washer.
8. On Cadillac models with EFI:
a. Remove the four screws retaining speed sensor, then remove speed sensor and gasket, Fig. 2.
b. Remove plug from opposite side of sensor housing on distributor.
c. Remove roll pin from magnet assembly.
9. Remove distributor shaft and magnet assembly.
10. Remove pole piece retaining screws, pole piece, magnet and pick-up coil.
11. Remove lock ring from top of housing, pick-up coil retainer and felt washer.
12. Remove vacuum advance unit (if equipped).
13. Remove capacitor and wiring harness from distributor housing.
1. Install vacuum advance unit (if used) and secure with two screws, Figs. 1.
2. Place felt washer over lubricant reservoir at top of housing.
3. Position pickup coil retainer onto housing with vacuum advance arm over actuating pin of vacuum advance mechanism and secure with lock ring.
4. Install pickup coil magnet and pole piece. Loosely install the three retaining screws.
5. Install distributor shaft and rotate to check for even clearance all around between pole piece and shaft projections.
6. Move pole piece to provide even clearance and secure with three retaining screws.
7. On Cadillac models with EFI:
a. Position distributor shaft so speed sensor rotating magnet can be installed in distributor housing, Fig. 2.
b. Engage speed sensor rotating magnet on distributor shaft and install shaft into position. Do not install roll pin.
8. Install drive with teeth up onto shaft.
NOTE: Drive gear has a dimple on one side next to drive pin hole. Align drive gear so that dimple is on same side of shaft as the rotor pointer. Temporarily install rotor to ensure correct alignment.
9. Install tanged washer, shim and drive gear, then retain with a new roll pin.
10. On Cadillac models with EFI:
a. Install speed sensor rotating magnet and retain with new roll pin.
b. Using a new gasket, position speed sensor onto distributor housing with wiring harness coming out of top of sensor (directly below distributor housing) and retain with four screws.
11. Install capacitor and loosely install retaining screw.
12. Install connector on module with tab on top, then liberally apply silicone grease to bottom of module and install screws.
NOTE: Failure to apply silicone grease to module will cause excessive heat build-up of module and premature failure.
13. Position wiring harness with grommet in housing notch, then connect pink wire to capacitor stud and black wire to capacitor retaining screw. Tighten screw.
14. Reconnect wires to module, then install centrifugal advance weights and springs.