Cruise Control Servo Cable: Adjustments
On 1982 V6-252 models except Eldorado and Seville, a bead chain is used. Install bead chain into throttle lever clip and lock into position. With throttle lever in hot idle position and idle control solenoid de-energized, place bead chain into swivel cavity. The ball swivel must be installed on the inboard side of lever. Chain slack should not exceed one half the diameter of ball stud. Cut off excess chain.
On V8-250 DFI models except Eldorado and Seville, a combination cable and bead chain is used. Install cable into throttle clip and lock into position. Chain should be taut with throttle body lever in hot idle position and idle speed solenoid fully retracted. Place bead into swivel, then install retainer and lock into place. Chain slack should not exceed one half the diameter of ball stud. Cut off excess chain.
On Eldorado and Seville models, a rod assembly is used. Install rod into servo assembly bushing, then assemble plastic end of rod to ball stud on throttle body lever. Adjust by rotating rod assembly to obtain minimum slack with idle speed control screw fully retracted and engine stopped.
On 1986---88 models, a rod assembly is used to control cruise control speed. Adjustment is made with engine Off, carburetor lever on slow idle screw and Idle Load Control (ILC) fully retracted. Adjust rod length to obtain the least amount of slack.
With brake pedal depressed, push cruise control/stoplight switch fully into retainer and pull brake pedal fully back to rest position. Switch will back out of retainer and adjust automatically.
With brake pedal depressed, push vacuum valve switch all the way into the retaining clip. Pull the brake pedal to the stop to automatically adjust the valve.