Heater Core: Service and Repair
After draining radiator and disconnecting heater hoses and battery ground cable proceed as follows:ELDORADO & SEVILLE
1. Plug heater core outlets to prevent spillage when removing heater core.
2. Remove instrument panel sound absorbers, then lower steering column.
3. Remove instrument cluster trim panel and instrument cluster as described under Instrument Cluster, Replace.
4. Remove radio front speakers.
5. Remove screws attaching manifold to heater case.
6. Remove instrument panel upper and lower attaching screws, then disconnect parking brake release cable.
7. Disconnect instrument panel wiring harness from dash wiring assembly.
8. Disconnect righthand remote control mirror cable from instrument panel pad.
9. Disconnect speedometer cable from clip and temperature control cable from heater case.
10. Disconnect radio and A/C wiring, vacuum lines and all necessary wiring to remove instrument panel. If equipped with pulse wipers, remove wiper switch, and then disconnect wire connector from instrument cluster carrier and separate pulse wiper jumper harness from wiper switch wire connector.
11. Remove instrument panel and wiring harness assembly.
12. Remove four screws retaining defroster nozzle to cowl and one screw at heater case, then remove defroster nozzle.
13. Disconnect vacuum hoses to programmer and vacuum actuators.
14. Disconnect wire connector from programmer.
Fig. 9 Heater core. Eldorado & Seville:
15. From engine side of dash, remove four nuts retaining heater case to cowl, Fig. 9.
16. From passenger compartment side of dash, remove one screw retaining heater case to cowl, and remove heater case.
17. Remove four screws securing heater core to case and remove heater core.
18. Reverse procedure to install.