A/C System - Flushing With Refrigerant 11: Overview
Bulletin No. T 86-53File in Group 1
Number 26
Corp. Ref. No. 611201
Date May '86
Some Cadillac air conditioning system components including the refrigerant oil may become contaminated as a result of air conditioning compressor failure. Contaminated oil or debris in the air conditioning system may inhibit proper oil circulation and result in a repeat compressor failure. Refrigerant oil and other debris can be removed from air conditioning system components by flushing with Refrigerant 11 (R-11). The procedure described in this bulletin is to be followed whenever an air conditioning compressor is replaced. As a supplement to the Cadillac 1986 Roundtable Program, a video tape demonstrating air conditioning system flushing procedures will be shipped late May to all Roundtable enrolled dealers free of charge. NonRoundtable enrolled dealers may order a copy of the tape H-2342 at a cost of $20.00 each through HELM, Inc., P.O. Box 07130, Detroit, Michigan 48207.
Proper flushing with R-11 will ensure that maximum performance will be obtained and reduce the possibility of a repeat compressor failure. R-11 is effective in removing refrigerant oil, metal particles and other debris from air conditioning refrigerant components. R-11 packaged in a 30 pound canister pressurized with nitrogen to 40 psi, GMWDD part number 12345074 or equivalent is recommended for this process. All Cadillac Dealers will receive in late May, essential tool J-33883-A (Flushing Kit) to facilitate the proper dispensing of R-11.
The presence of debris in air conditioning systems equipped with an expansion (orifice) tube can readily be determined by inspecting the expansion tube. Some components, because of their design, tend to trap particles. These components (listed later in this bulletin) must be replaced if debris is inside the component. Flushing with R-11 must be performed as described in this Serviceman Bulletin. Past Service Information Manual air conditioning flushing procedures using Refrigerant 12 (R-12), repetitive cleaning of expansion (orifice) tube or not allowing R-11 to soak a minimum of five minutes are not acceptable and must be superseded by this Serviceman Bulletin. Although R-11 does not adversely affect air conditioning performance when used as directed, misuse of the product or not properly following Service Information Manual procedures on adjusting refrigerant oil quantities may result in compressor damage or poor performance.
Air conditioning refrigerant system flushing is required whenever:
1. A compressor has failed resulting in debris in the air conditioning system refrigerant components or oil.
2. Inspection of the orifice tube shows the inlet screen to be 25% or more coated with debris.
3. Refrigerant oil is overcharged or contaminated.
Proper flushing of an air conditioning system can only be achieved by flushing each component separately and allowing the R-11 t to soak in each component a minimum of five minutes. Before recharging and operating the air conditioning system, all of the R-11 must be removed and the proper amount of 525 viscosity refrigerant oil added. Flushing a complete air conditioning system requires approximately 15 pounds of R-11 and 4 pounds of R-12 and up to 11 ounces of 525 viscosity refrigerant oil. The actual quantities of R-11, R-12 and oil depends on the system, the number of components flushed and the amount of debris in each component. R-11 is removed by purging the component with R-12 followed by system evacuation.