Steering Wheel: Service and Repair
1. Remove 2 screws securing pad from rear of steering wheel.
2. Disconnect horn and cruise control electrical connectors, then remove pad.
3. Remove 3 telescope adjusting lever screws, unscrew telescope adjusting mechanism from steering shaft, then remove adjusting lever.
4. Scribe alignment mark between steering wheel and steering shaft, then remove steering wheel retaining nut.
5. Remove steering wheel using suitable puller.
6. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Align matching marks between steering wheel and shaft, and torque retaining nut to 35 ft. lbs.
b. Fully extend steering shaft, mount telescope adjusting lever in 5 o'clock position, thread adjuster mechanism onto shaft and hand tighten, then install adjusting lever retaining screws.
c. Ensure steering wheel moves in and out freely when lever is moved fully to the right, and that lever does not contact shroud in fully locked position.