Idle Load Compensator (ILC)
Fig. 20 Idle Load Compensator (ILC) Assembly:
1. Remove air cleaner and plug related vacuum fittings. Disconnect and plug vacuum hoses at canister purge port, EGR valve and ILC unit.
2. Turn throttle stop screw counterclockwise 3 turns.
3. Start engine and place transmission in drive (manual transmission in neutral.)
4. With ILC plunger fully extended (vacuum hose disconnected), adjust plunger with tool J-29607, or equivalent, to obtain 725 RPM. Jam nut on plunger must be held with a suitable tool to prevent damage to guide tabs.
5. Reconnect vacuum hose to ILC while observing tachometer. If idle speed is within specifications, proceed to step 12.
6. If idle speed is not within specifications, remove ILC from carburetor.
7. Remove rubber plug from ILC center outlet tube, Fig. 20, then remove metal plug from outlet tube.
8. Reinstall ILC unit. Install a spare rubber cap over outlet tube with a hole punched to accept a 3/32 inch Allen wrench.
9. Insert allen wrench through spare cap, start engine and place transmission in drive.
10. Adjust ILC as needed to obtain 500 RPM, then remove wrench and install a new cap over center outlet tube. Turning ILC adjusting screw changes engine speed 75-100 RPM for each complete turn. Turning screw clockwise decreases engine speed; turning screw counterclockwise raises engine speed.
11. If idle speed is not within specifications, repeat steps 8-10.
12. After adjusting ILC plunger, measure distance between jam nut and tip of plunger. Distance must not exceed 1 inch.
13. Disconnect and plug vacuum hose to ILC plunger and connect an external vacuum source to fitting on ILC.
14. Retract ILC plunger with external vacuum source, then adjust idle speed to 500 RPM in Drive with throttle stop screw.
15. Stop engine and remove external vacuum source. Reconnect vacuum hoses to proper fittings and install air cleaner.