A/T - 200R4 No Second Gear Or No TCC Clutch Engagement
TSB 87-34 (May)SUBJECT: 200 4R
PROBLEM: No second gear, or no TCC Clutch engagement
CAUSE: Mismatched valve body and spacer plate
The spacer plate in Figure 1 must be matched with a valve body that uses a converter clutch shift valve. Point "A" shows the TCC signal orifice in the spacer plate.
The spacer plate in Figure 2 shows the same TCC signal orifice moved slightly rearward, to point "B". This spacer plate is used with valve bodies that do not have a converter clutch shift valve.
Instead, the valve body in Figure 2 uses a dummy plug in place of the converter clutch shift valve. If a valve body does not have the proper spacer plate, malfunctions will result.
A visual inspection of these parts should be made during any rebuild. Mismatches have been found on some transmissions from the factory.
If the spacer plate in Figure 1 is installed with the valve body in Figure 2 the result may be no torque converter clutch engagement.
If the spacer plate in Figure 2 is installed with the valve body in Figure 1, the result may be no second gear.