Roller Clutch & Rear Carrier Assembly
1. Remove roller clutch race, and check for damage.
2. Remove roller clutch assembly and check roller bearings, cage and springs for damage.
3. Remove and check rear carrier to clutch thrust washer for excessive wear.
4. Check rear carrier thrust washers, rear carrier and roller clutch cam ramps for damage.
5. Check bushing and planet pinions for damage. Check rear carrier pinion endplay. Rear carrier pinion endplay should be 0.009-0.024 inch (0.24-0.60 mm).
6. Install thrust washer onto rear carrier.
7. Install any roller bearings that may have come out of roller clutch cage. Compress energizing spring, and install roller bearings into cage from outer edge.
8. Install roller clutch assembly into roller clutch cam.
9. Install roller clutch race with spline side facing outward into rear carrier and rotate into position in rear carrier.
10. Install tanged thrust washer into rear carrier assembly and lubricate thrust washer using a suitable lubricant
11. Install roller clutch and rear carrier assembly into rear internal gear.
12. Position transmission vertically with pump end facing upward and install rear unit components into transmission case. Ensure rear internal gear parking pawl lugs pass parking pawl tooth.
13. Using tool No. J29332 adjust screw, and looking through parking pawl case slot, adjust height of rear internal gear parking pawl lugs to align with parking pawl tooth.