Service Technician - Bulletin Updates
Bulletin No. T 87-22File in Group 0
Number 26
Corp. Ref. No. 610109
Date Oct. '86
The listed Serviceman Bulletins require the following corrections. Please update your bulletins to include these changes.
Service Bulletin Corrected On Correction
Data Base Should Read:
Bulletin No: T-86-76 YES T-86-76
File In Group: 8 8
Number: 41 42
Date: Aug.'86 Aug.'86
Bulletin No: T-86-82 YES T-86-82
File In Group: 8 8
Number: 42 43
Date: Aug.'86 Aug.'86
Bulletin No: T-87-7 YES Labor Operation E7010 at
File In Group: 8 .3 hours should be changed
Number: 45 to Operation R1275 at
Date: Sept.'86 .3 hours.
Bulletin No: T-87-16 YES Time Allowance for cooler
File In Group: 7 flushing procedure will be
Number: 143 included in specific 1986
Date: Sept.'86 and 1987 Labor Time Guide operations. When using a 1985 and prior Time Guide, add 0.6 hours for cooler flushing to the recondition or SRTA replacement time allowance.