Oil Charge
Adding oil to the A/C system should take place AFTER discharge and BEFORE evacuation procedures by removing the refrigeration suction hose at the accumulator outlet pipe connection, pouring the correct quantity of new refrigerant oil into the hose or pipe and then properly reconnecting hose to pipe.When the system is completely discharged (no vapor escaping with hose fully-tightened down), measure, record amount, and discard the collected refrigerant oil. If the measured quantity is 15 ml (1/2 fl oz)or more, this amount of new 525 viscosity refrigerant oil must be added to system, plus any quantity in removed parts before system evacuation and charging with Refrigerant- 12.
The A/C System requires 240 m1 (8 fl oz) of 525 viscosity refrigerant oil.
New oil quantities must be added to the system during component replacement and conditions stated as follows:
Remove old compressor, drain oil, measure and record. New compressors contain 240 ml (8 fl oz) of oil. Drain and add amount drained from old compressor plus 30 ml (1 oz) of new oil. A residual quantity (45 ml (1.5 fl oz) of oil will remain in the compressor that cannot be drained.
For a new or completely flushed A/C system requiring a total of 240 ml (8 fl oz) of oil: add 195 ml (6.5 fl oz) of oil, when using a drained A/C compressor, to result in the correct total system capacity.
EVAPORATOR - Add 90 m1 (3 fl oz).
CONDENSER - Add 30 m1 (1 fl oz).
ACCUMULATOR - Remove, drain oil, measure, replace same amount of new oil plus 60 ml (2 fl oz) to compensate for that retained by the original accumulator desiccant.
Remove only the accumulator. drain, measure and record quantity of oil in accumulator. It is not necessary to remove and drain the compressor because the compressor only retains a minimum quantity of oil.
- If less than 9O ml (3 fl oz), add 9O ml (3 fl oz) of new oil to system.
- If more than 90 m1 (3 fl oz), add same amount of new oil as drained.
- If a new accumulator must be added to the system, add 60 ml (2 fl oz) additional, oil to compensate for that held/absorbed by the original accumulator desiccant.
It is important to note that signs of excessive oil leakage usually indicate a leak. The cause of the leakage should be determined and repaired.