Rear Knuckle: Service and Repair
Fig. 2 Rear strut installation:
Fig. 3 Knuckle installation:
1. Raise and support vehicle on frame contact type hoist, remove wheel and tire assembly.
2. If left knuckle is to be replaced, disconnect ELC height sensor link.
3. Remove stabilizer shaft mounting bolt at strut, if equipped.
4. Remove brake caliper as outlined, and secure aside leaving hoses connected.
5. Remove brake rotor, hub retaining bolts and the hub and bearing assembly.
6. Loosen but do not remove knuckle pivot bolt at outboard end of control arm.
7. Remove clip and disconnect air line from strut.
8. Remove upper strut rod cap, mounting nut and insulator, Fig. 2.
9. Compress strut by hand and remove lower insulator.
10. Rotate strut and knuckle assembly outward, remove pinch bolt, then separate strut from knuckle.
11. Remove knuckle pivot bolt and the knuckle, Fig. 3.
12. Reverse procedure to install, ensuring strut is fully seated with tang on strut bottomed in steering knuckle slot. When suspension is fully assembled, torque bolts to specifications as follows: pinch bolt, 40 lb ft; upper strut nut, 65 lb ft; knuckle pivot bolt, 59 lb ft; hub mounting bolts, 52 lb ft; stabilizer bolt to 43 lb ft