Electrical Sysetm - BCM Codes B441 and/or B449
Bulletin No. 87-2File in Group 8
Number 44
Corp. Ref. No. 618204
Date Sept. '86
Figure 1 - In-Line Fuse Location:
Some 1986 Eldorados and Sevilles may experience a history or current code B441 (Cooling Fans Problem) and/or B449 (A/C High Side Temperature Too High) caused by corrosion of an in-line fuse. The in-line fuse is taped to the bottom of the harness between the windshield washer solvent reservoir and the underhood relay center, as shown in Figure 1. The corrosion is suspected to be the result of windshield washer solvent spillage on to the harness and leaking into the fuse holder.
Figure 2 - Wiring Diagram:
The 10-AMP in-line fuse was added as a mid-year change at Eldorado #605524, and Seville #803986. Figure 2 details both the early and late style wiring.
If the BCM codes B441 and/or B449 are found to be caused by an open corroded fuse the following procedure should be followed:
1. Clean the fuse holder terminals and cap.
2. Replace the 10 AMP fuse.
3. Install the fuse holder cap to the front retaining bolt of the windshield washer solvent reservoir.
Figure 3 - Cooling Fan Relay Fuse Location:
4. Install the fuse holder into the cap. Reference Figure 3 for view of the completed relocation.
5. Retest for proper cooling fan operation. If fuse is open after test, diagnose code B441, using Section 8D2, of the 1986 Service Information Manual.
For warranty purposes, use Operation Number T6168 at .2 hours.