Engine: Service and Repair
Rh Engine/Transaxle Mounts:
Lh Engine Mounts:
Remove or Disconnect
1. Negative battery cable
2. Drain engine coolant
3. Air cleaner
4. Vehicle hood
5. Cooling fans
6. Accessory drive belt
7. Upper intake manifold.
8. Upper radiator hose and heater hoses from intake manifold
9. Wire connectors and reposition
^ Oil pressure switches
^ Coolant temperature sensor
^ Distributor
^ Engine temperature switch
^ Injectors at injector harness connector
^ Oxygen sensors
^ Generator
^ Ground wires at generator bracket
10. Cruise control diaphram with bracket and move out of way
11. Oil and transmission cooler lines from radiator
12. Radiator
13. Oil cooler lines from oil filter adapter and remove lines
14. Air cleaner mounting bracket
15. Oil filter adapter
16. A.I.R. tubes from diverter valve
17. Cross car brace
18. Right front heater hose
19. Coolant reservoir
20. A.I.R. air filter and bracket
21. P/S line brace on right cylinder head
22. P/S pump and tensioner assembly and position out of the way toward front of engine.
23. Discharge A/C system
24. A/C lines to accumulator and condenser
^ Carefully bleed fuel pressure at fuel line test port (schraeder valve) using a suitable tool and container or rag to catch fuel.
25. Fuel lines at fuel rail
26. Fuel line bracket and move fuel lines out of way
27. Raise car
28. Electrical connectors from starter and ground wires from block
29. Oil level sensor and oxygen sensor(s)
30. Exhaust "Y" pipe
31. Starter
32. Flexplate cover
33. Three flexplate to converter bolts
34. A/C compressor lower dust shield
35. R/F tire and wheel assembly
36. Outer wheelhouse plastic shield
37. Right rear trans/engine mounting bolt
38. Front engine mount nuts and right rear trans mount bolts
39. Generator, oxygen sensor wires and heater bypass bracket from right side of vehicle
40. Right side engine brace
41. Lower car
42. Five top engine/trans mounting bolts
43. Install engine lift chain
44. Engine assembly
Install or Connect
1. Raise transaxle with a separate jack to engage engine.
2. Lower engine into chassis on an angle matching the transaxle. Engage dowels on block to transaxle case.
^ Make sure that converter is properly positioned to the flexplate and engaged in front pump of transaxle.
^ During this operation, use care not to damage any items in the engine compartment (e.g. dipstick tube, throttle linkage, transmission cooler lines, etc.). Some maneuvering of the engine is sometimes required.
3. Upper five transmission bell housing to engine bolts.
4. Lower and remove floor jack from transaxle.
5. Lower engine making sure that it is properly seated on mounts.
6. Remove lifting equipment.
7. Raise car on hoist.
8. Support engine.
9. Right side engine brace
10. Remove engine support
11. Generator and oxygen sensor wires and heater bypass bracket from right side of vehicle
12. Front engine mount nuts and right rear trans mount bolts
13. Connect oil level sensor at oil pan and both oxygen sensors.
14. Right rear trans/engine mounting bolt
15. Outer wheelhouse plastic shield
16. R/F tire and wheel assembly
17. A/C compressor lower dust shield
18. Three flexplate to converter bolts
19. Flexplate cover
20. Starter
21. Exhaust "Y" pipe
22. Electrical connectors at starter and ground wires to block
23. Lower car.
24. Fuel line bracket
25. Fuel lines at fuel rail
26. A/C lines to accumulator and condenser
27. P/S and tensioner assembly
28. P/S line brace on right cylinder head
29. A.I.R. air filter and bracket
30. Coolant reservoir
31. Right front heater hose
32. A.I.R. tubes on diverter valve
33. Oil filter adapter
34. Oil cooler line bracket at transmission
35. Oil cooler lines to oil filter adapter
36. Radiator
37. Engine oil and trans oil cooler lines to radiator
38. Cruise control diaphragm with bracket
39. Wire connectors.
^ Injectors
^ Ground Wires at generator bracket
^ Oil Pressure Switches
^ Coolant Temperature Sensor
^ Distributor
^ Engine Temperature Switch
40. Accessory drive belt
41. Upper radiator hose and heater hoses to intake manifold
42. Upper intake manifold
43. Cooling fans
44. Vehicle hood
45. Air cleaner
46. Engine coolant
47. Negative battery cable
48. Charge A/C system
49. Run engine and inspect for leaks