Engine - Stall or Hesitation When Cold
88cad01Bulletin No. T-88-86
File in Group 6E
Number 57
Corp. Ref. No. 836502
Date Feb. '88
Some 1987 Cimarrons may stall under one or more of the following conditions:
^ After start up on a cold engine
^ After start up on a warm engine
^ On deceleration
In addition, some 1987 Cimarrons equipped with manual transmissions may hesitate on acceleration cold. To repair these conditions, the following steps should be performed:
1. Check for vacuum leaks at the MAF sensor, PCV tube, and the EGR transfer tube.
2. Clean the throttle body bore in the area behind the throttle plate to eliminate any accumulated residue. Refer to Serviceman Bulletin T-87-136, Group 6E for correct procedures.
3. Verify proper engine idle speed. Refer to Serviceman Bulletin T-87-136 for correct idle speed specifications.
4. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
NOTE: The negative battery cable must be disconnected for at least five minutes to clear the ECM memory to ensure proper idle speed.
5. Install revised MEM-CAL:
Service Service
Emission Part MEM-CAL Broadcast
System Transaxle Number I.D.* Code +
FED (AUTO) 1228533 8533 ADRY
FED (M/T) 16120949 0949 ADSC
CAL (AUTO) 1228534 8534 ADRZ
CAL (M/T) 16120953 0953 ADSD
* ECM MEM-CAL I.D. can be read with a scan tool connected to the ALDL link.
+ Broadcast Code can be seen through the access hole on the top side of the MEM-CAL cover.
6. Reconnect the negative battery cable.
7. Start and idle vehicle in park (or neutral for manual transmission) for five minutes.
8. Turn air conditioning off and ensure the coolant temperature is between 80~ C and 107~ C.
9. Block the wheels, apply the brake, and idle the vehicle in drive for one minute (for manual transmissions, leave the vehicle in neutral).
10. If a stall or hesitation condition still persists, refer to:
^ Bulletin 88-74, Group 6D "Misdiagnosis of the Direct Ignition System (DIS)".
^ Bulletin 88-9, Group 6D, "Engine Miss, Backfire, Hard Start, Hesitation, or Stall".
^ Section 6E3-B of the Service Information Manual.
For warranty purposes, use Labor Operation T6280 at 1.2 hours.