Electrical - Wiring Repair Temp Range Precaution
89cadillac10Bulletin No. T-89-118
File in Group 8
Number 103
Corp. Ref. No. 978102
Date June, 1989
Figure 1 - Maximum Temperature Operating Range for XLPE or Insulex (TM) vs. PVC Insulation:
Wiring repairs on a vehicle in an area that is not subjected to high temperatures (i.e., passenger compartment, instrument panel, or cargo compartment) may be accomplished using a cable of sufficient size (sq.mm or gage) with a general purpose insulation. The common general purpose cable insulation material is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). PVC insulation should not be used for wiring repairs in areas where the continuous operating temperatures exceed 80~ C (176~ F).
For wiring repairs in areas where the continuous operating temperatures do exceed 80~ C (176~ F), a cable of sufficient size with a special thermo setting compound is required. Cross link polyethylene (XLPE or Insulex (TM)) is such a material and can withstand continuous operating temperatures of 135~ C (275~ F).
XLPE or Insulex (TM) (cross link polyethylene) cable is available from .8 sq.mm (18 gage) to 13 sq.mm (6 gage) and sizes .8 sq.mm (18 gage) to 5 sq.mm (10 gage) are available in various colors. Bulk insulation cable is available on 50 foot, 100 foot, or 1000 foot spools depending on the cable size.
The AC Delco Wire and Cable Catalog, number 16A-100, contains cable and part number information for orders from a local AC Delco supplier. The catalog (16A-100) is also available from local suppliers and contains a GMSPO to AC Delco part number conversion guide. Some cable part numbers are available through GMSPO, but generally cable would be ordered by the AC Delco "short" number through a local AC Delco supplier.
If a dealership does not want to stock bulk spools of both PVC and XLPE or Insulex (TM) cable in all of the various sizes, it is recommended to stock only XLPE or Insulex (TM) cable to help control parts inventory since XLPE or Insulex (TM) can be used to replace PVC cable.
XLPE or Insulex (TM) may not be used to replace the wiring to the throttle body injector connector or to replace wire on a fuel tank unit since gasoline or fuel vapors can damage the polyethylene compounds. Refer to parts group 2.535 for connector repair packages to properly repair these wires. XLPE or Insulex (TM) may not be used to replace fusible link cable or to repair the lead on an oxygen sensor due to the extremely high temperature at the oxygen sensor location. XLPE or Insulex (TM) can be used for all other cable repairs.
The wire and terminal repair kit (essential tool J-38125) contains three sizes of crimp and seal splice sleeves, crimping tools, heating torch, and an instruction manual which should be used for cable repair. The crimp and seal splice sleeves, like XLPE or Insulex (TM) cable, are suitable for use in high temperature areas and will provide a good environment seal for the splice.