Condenser HVAC: Service and Repair
CONDENSERRemove or Disconnect
NOTICE: During removal and installation of the condenser it is important that all lines be capped when disconnected to ensure that air, moisture or dirt does not enter the system.
^ Recover refrigerant. Service and Repair
1. Front engine torque strut.
2. Rear cooling fan.
3. Radiator core upper support.
4. Condenser inlet and outlet lines. Cap all openings.
5. A/C hose bracket (two screws).
6. Condenser mounting brackets and condenser.
Install or Connect
^ Add refrigerant oil if the condenser was replaced or a large amount of oil loss was evident.
1. Condenser to vehicle, securing with two upper mounting brackets and bolts.
Tighten Mounting bracket bolts to 12 N.m (106 in. lb.)
2. Refrigerant lines to condenser, installing new dual O-rings.
Tighten Condenser line fittings to 24 N.m (18 ft. lb.)
NOTICE: When making line connections use care to avoid nicking the dual O-rings or cross threading the connections.
3. A/C hose bracket (two screws).
4. Radiator upper core support.
5. Rear cooling fan.
6. Front engine torque strut.
^ Evacuate and charge the ECC system. Service and Repair
^ Leak test all refrigerant connections.