Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
Fig. 7 Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening Sequence:
1. Disable airbag system as described under MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES/AIRBAG SYSTEM DISARMING, then relieve fuel pressure as outlined under MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES/FUEL SYSTEM PRESSURE RELIEF.
2. Disconnect battery ground cable, then drain cooling system.
3. Remove intake manifold as outlined under INTAKE MANIFOLD procedure.
4. If removing left side cylinder head, remove the two cooling fans.
5. Remove appropriate exhaust manifold as outlined under EXHAUST MANIFOLD procedure.
6. Remove dipstick tube when lefthand cylinder head is to be replaced.
7. Remove ten cylinder head bolts.
8. Reverse procedure to install, referring to Fig. 7, for bolt tightening sequence. Torque cylinder head bolts in 3 steps as follows:
a. Torque all bolts to 38 ft. lbs. in specified sequence.
b. Torque all bolts to 68 ft. lbs. in specified sequence.
c. Torque bolts 1, 3 and 4 to 90 ft. lbs.
d. Rearm airbag system as described under MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES/AIRBAG SYSTEM DISARMING.