Field Fixes
SYMPTOM:The vehicle may stall when coming to a full stop after a period of prolonged highway speed driving. The typical complaint will be that the vehicle will stall and shudder severely during full stops, shortly after highway driving. The stall may feel like you are coming to a stop on a vehicle with manual transmission, in high gear, without disengaging the clutch. Severe shudder during stopping usually occur.
The Converter clutch engages during no-load, highway speed driving. The solenoid, which controls it, is supposed to disengage when the no-load, cruise speed condition exists. A faulty, sticking, or dirty solenoid may keep the solenoid from un-coupling the hydraulic link to the converter clutch. The direct lock-up will cause stalling during stops.
Diagnose converter clutch as required. Replace solenoid, inside transmission, if necessary.