Rear Quarter Trim Panel - Warping/Sagging/Separating
File In Section: 08 - Body and AccessoriesBulletin No.: 00-08-11 0-005A
Date: December, 2001
Repair Kit Available for Rear Quarter Trim Panel
1992-2002 Cadillac Eldorado
This bulletin is being revised to add model years and update the text. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 00-08-110-005 (Section 08 - Body & Accessories).
Sagging/separation/warping of the rear quarter trim panel (1) from the rear window may occur to the above listed vehicles during very hot conditions.
A repair kit is available from GMSPO and is to be used instead of replacing the entire panel.
Repair instructions are included in the Quarter Trim Retainer Kit, P/N 12481204.
Parts Information
Parts are currently available from GMSPO.
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use the table as shown.