Oil Pump, Engine
Vin B, Gear DimensionsGear Backlash | - Note: Pump components are not serviced separately. If any component is damaged or worn, pump should be replaced. |
Gear To Body Clearance | - Note: Pump components are not serviced separately. If any component is damaged or worn, pump should be replaced. |
Gear Endplay Note: Measured between pump cover & end of gears using straight edge & feeler gauge. | - Note: Pump components are not serviced separately. If any component is damaged or worn, pump should be replaced. |
Gear Pocket Depth | - Note: Pump components are not serviced separately. If any component is damaged or worn, pump should be replaced. |
Diameter | - Note: Pump components are not serviced separately. If any component is damaged or worn, pump should be replaced. |
Pump Gear Thickness | - Note: Pump components are not serviced separately. If any component is damaged or worn, pump should be replaced. |
Pump Gear Diameter | - Note: Pump components are not serviced separately. If any component is damaged or worn, pump should be replaced. |
Relief Valve To Body Clearance | - Note: Pump components are not serviced separately. If any component is damaged or worn, pump should be replaced. |