Leaks In the Cowl Area
Materials Required for Cowl Water Leaks^ For cowl plenum seam leaks use:
- Kent SL-C, P/N 50265.
- 3M P/N 08994 Applicator, P/N 08633, Flow Grade Resealant (and a short length of hose).
- Kent P/N 90010 Applicator, P/N 10240, Rubber Sealer (and stock P/N KA-E Extension Tube).
^ For cowl/hinge pillar leaks use:
- GM P/N 12345743.
- 3M P/N 08648, or equivalent, Body Seam Sealers.
Cowl Area Leak For-Cowl Plenum Seal (Refer to Figure 1)
1. Raise hood to the full open position.
2. Remove the left wiper arm and blade.
3. Remove the left side cowl grille. Refer to Figure 1, View A.
4. Using the material and equipment specified, apply sealer to the seam areas through the rectangular holes in the cowl as shown in Figure 1, Views B and C. Apply this sealer for the full length of the cowl seam from the center line of the vehicle to the left edge of the cowl plenum.
5. Allow the scaling material to dry for 15 minutes before applying second coat.
Allow the sealer to dry completely before water testing.
6. Water test the area to ensure repair is satisfactory.
7. Reinstall the left cowl grille and wiper components.
8. Torque wiper arm attachment to 23 N-m (17 lbs.ft.).
For vehicles repaired under warranty use Labor Operation C0010. Use published Labor Operation time.
Repair Procedure For Cowl/Hinge Pillar Seam
1. Position vehicle on hoist.
2. Open and raise hood to full open position and disconnect battery.
3. Disconnect all component attachments to the inner fender liner on the affected side of the vehicle.
4. Raise the vehicle on hoist, and remove wheel and tire on the affected side of the vehicle.
5. Remove front wheelhouse liner to gain access to the front body hinge pillar seams (the vertical seam at the dash to front body hinge pillar and the horizontal seam at the floor pan to the dash.
6. Apply body seam sealer to the seams.
7. Water test the area to ensure repair is satisfactory.
8. Reinstall the wheelhouse liner.
9. Lower the vehicle and reinstall the components attached to the liner.
10. Reconnect the battery, lower the hood, and remove the body from the hoist.
For vehicles repaired under warranty use Labor Operations T3343 (RH) and 73344 (LH). Use published Labor Operation time.