- Assemble
NOTE: Thoroughly clean case assembly with solvent, then air dry; do not wipe with cloth or shop towels. Clean all case threads, removing all sealant. Some components require the use of assembly lube such as Transjel part No. J-36850, or equivalent; an equivalent for Transjel J-36850 is petroleum jelly. Do not use any type of grease to retain or hold parts during assembly. Greases other than Transjel or petroleum jelly will affect the characteristics of transmission fluid and cause undesirable shift points and/or filter clogging. Inspect case for cracks or bolt holes with stripped threads.1. Inspect actuator park lock sleeve for excessive wear and actuator rod for cracked end, bent rod or broken spring.
2. Install new manual shaft seal onto manual shaft.
3. Install washer into case, then place manual shaft through case. Seat manual shaft (flush with case) seal with appropriate socket.
4. Install actuator park lock sleeve into case at extension housing.
5. Attach new detent lever, actuator r6d and nut to manual shaft and hold detent lever stationary with screwdriver to prevent bending of actuator rod. Slide actuator rod into actuator park lock sleeve. Torque nut to 20-25 ft. lbs.
6. Install detent roller assembly washer, pivot arm and sleeves, then finger start detent roller assembly bolt. Torque bolt to 6-10 ft. lbs.
7. Install detent return spring to detent roller assembly and manual shaft. Install with small hook end of spring around top of manual shaft.
8. Inspect drive sprocket support for damage to splines, journals, bushings and blocked converter drain holes in case.
9. Place drive sprocket support in a vise, then remove converter helix seal using a wedge shaped chisel.
10. Install support to case and install six bolts, then converter seal using torque converter seal installer tool No. J-39601, or equivalent. Torque bolts in star pattern to 8-9.5 ft. lbs.
11. Inspect wiring harness for cut or pinched wires, cut wire insulation and bent or broken connectors.
12. Install wiring harness into case. Notch goes toward inside of case. Insert remainder of harness into valleys of case housing.
13. Install input speed sensor and bolt, then input speed sensor wire harness bracket to center of case. Install bolt and torque to 8-9.5 ft. lbs.
14. Inspect final drive internal gear for excessive wear marks and damaged teeth, then inspect fretting (snap) ring for damage and overexpansion.
15. Install lo/reverse band into case. Band must be properly anchored in case with servo pin stop at case bore.
16. Install fretting (snap) ring into case. Keep gap in ring toward bottom pan with recessed area next to anchor pin.
17. Install forward coast clutch assembly replacement tool No. J-39053, or equivalent, to forward and coast clutch assembly.
18. Install forward/coast clutch and support assembly into barrel of case. Two bolt holes and feed holes must line up with holes in bottom of case. Remove tool.
19. Install final drive internal gear, groove up, and snap ring. Snap ring opening should be in scavenge tube area. Set snap ring as shown.
20. Rotate support by tapping counterclockwise against spline.
21. Torque stud near bench (vehicle rear) securing support to case, then stud on vehicle front side 14-20 ft. lbs.
22. Inspect parking pawl tooth for damage, parking pawl spring for overexpansion and pivot pin for scoring and excessive wear.
23. Place pawl in case slot, then attach spring to pawl.
24. Insert pivot pin through spring and pawl. Hook end of spring locates on case and square end on top of parking pawl.
25. Install retaining pin using a hammer and pin punch. Verify correct function of parking pawl by moving manual shaft and detent lever through different ranges, then return manual shaft to original position. Only early 1993 models use a retaining pin, other models use a longer pivot pin without a notch or a retaining pin.
26. Inspect reaction shell for wear or damage, then inspect 4th band for fiber cracking, heat wear and anchor damage.
27. Install reaction shell into forward clutch housing, small teeth facing down.
28. Install 3rd clutch housing and reaction carrier assembly into case. Twist housing to install and ensure proper seating. Reaction carrier teeth must seat in reaction shell.
29. Install selective washer and thrust bearing onto 3rd clutch housing if not already located on housing.
30. Install 4th band into case. Band must be seated properly onto anchor pin with servo pin seat toward servo bore in case.
31. Install reverse clutch housing and 2nd sprag assembly. Teeth must seat into reaction sun shell. Twist housing to install and ensure proper seating.
32. Install thrust washer on top of reverse clutch housing with tabs pointing down
33. Inspect sprocket teeth for damage and wear, sprocket bearings for damage (bearings must rotate freely in pockets) and drive chain for stretching.
34. Remove drive sprocket seal, then install as follows:
a. Place seal on drive sprocket seal protector tool No. J-39604-3, or equivalent, then lubricate seal with Transjel part No. J-36850, or equivalent.
b. Place seal protector on sprocket; then, using drive sprocket seal pusher tool No. J-39604-1, or equivalent, quickly push down and install seal.
c. Install drive sprocket seal sizer tool No. J-39604-2, or equivalent, on sprocket and size seal.
35. Install 2nd clutch plates, backing plate first, then fiber plate. Alternate between steel and fiber plates.
36. Install apply plate, then waved plate.
37. Install scavenge tube seal into driven sprocket support, then driven sprocket support over input shaft. Support will be flush with case line surface when seated.
38. Attach drive chain to sprockets in direction it was removed; if installed in other direction, noise may result during vehicle operation.
39. Install drive sprocket and turbine shaft into its bore and line up driven sprocket splines with input shaft. Evenly tap drive and driven sprockets until seated.
40. Install thrust roller bearings onto sprockets.
41. Remove case cover to turbine shaft seal using case cover to turbine shaft seal replacement tool No. J-39062, or equivalent.
42. Remove drive sprocket seal using screwdriver; tap out through slots in case cover. Remove axle seal.
43. Install case cover to turbine shaft seal using seal replacement tool No. J-39062, or equivalent, then install drive sprocket seal using drive sprocket shaft seal installer tool No. J-36498, or equivalent.
44. Inspect case cover mating surfaces for nicks, burrs or damage; cooler fitting and seal for leaks; vent assembly for clogging and damage (pull out and replace if damaged); line pressure plug for damage, Case and case cover mating surfaces must be completely dry of cleaning fluids or mineral spirits, if not, beaded rib surface on gasket will tear and separate from gasket surface.
45. Install guide pins from tool No. J-39068, or equivalent, into driven
sprocket support.
46. Install new island gasket, then new case cover gasket over dowel pins on case. Pass wiring harness through large opening at top of case cover gasket. Ensure wiring harness remains under gasket, other than portion where connectors are attached.
47. install case cover assembly. Pass wiring harness through large opening at top of case cover. Do not pinch wires.
48. Install case cover bolts, then hand tighten. To air check clutches in transaxle, refer to air checking procedures outlined.
49. Measure input shaft endplay as outlined under "Transaxle Disassemble", noting the following:
a. Unless a clutch housing, carrier or steel clutch plates were replaced, measurement should be within specifications.
b. Torque case cover bolts and studs to 20 ft. lbs.
c. Tighten bolts in sequence shown.
d. Remove guide pins, then install check balls.
50. Install guide pin tool No. J-39068, or equivalent, for upper valve body.
51. Install new gasket, then spacer plate and new gasket.
52. Install upper control valve assembly, then hand start bolts with wiring harness retaining clip properly attached.
53. Remove guide pins and install remaining bolts. Torque bolts to 8-9.5 ft. lbs.
54. Connect wiring harness to PC solenoid, TCC solenoid and temperature sensor.
55. Install guide pins from tool No. J-39068, or equivalent, into case cover, then install new gasket and pump assembly. Start bolts by hand.
56. Remove guide pins and instal remaining bolts. Torque bolts to 8-9.5 ft. lbs. in sequence shown.
57. Install seal and new filter, then gasket into side cover. Hand start side cover bolts, then torque 15 mm bolts to 37- 40 ft. lbs. and 13 mm bolt to 15-20 ft. lbs. in a star pattern.
58. Inspect 4th servo piston for cracking and apply pin and spring for damage.
59. Remove seals, snap ring, then pin, spring and retainer.
60. Lubricate all seals with transmission fluid before installing. Install new seal onto piston and new seal onto cover.
61. Install pin, small spring, retainer and snap ring to piston.
62. Install 4th servo and large spring into cover. On early models, ensure tab on piston is lined up with notch in case bore.
63. Install cover and bolts into case, hand tightening bolts while holding piston compressed. Torque bolts in star pattern to 6-10 ft. lbs.
64. position b/reverse band using a piece of 0.2-0.3 mm shim stock. Place lower controls over forward support studs.
65. Hand start bolts into channel plate. Bolts without flange are located next to transfer plate. Install two nuts on forward support, then remove shim stock.
66. Place oil transfer plate over open gasket area, then hand start bolts to hold plate in place with wiring harness retaining clips attached properly. Torque bolts and nuts to 6-10 ft. lbs.
67. Connect manual valve to detent lever with manual valve retaining clip on top of detent lever. Route harness over spacer plate rib and detent lever.
68. Connect wiring harness to shift solenoids A, B and transaxle pressure switch.
69. Inspect bottom pan for damage and distortion. Install scavenge seals into case.
70. Install new scavenge screens into seals, then new gasket, bottom pan with bolts. Tighten bolts to specifications and in pattern shown.
71. Install sun gear with bushing side facing differential.
72. Install final drive carrier with thrust bearing secured on sun gear side, turning unit until it meshes with sun gear and internal gear teeth.
73. Install left thrust washer, left differential side gear, output shaft and new snap ring. D not overexpand snap ring. It must seat down inside left differential side gear to allow proper assembly of differential carrier.
74. Place transaxle in Park (if not already in Park) using manual shaft to lock up final drive unit. Actuator rod will move up. Attach differential housing, then hand start four bolts. Torque bolts in star pattern to 52-56 ft. lbs.
75. Inspect scavenge tube for damage; case mating surfaces for scoring and damage, then case extension seal, replacing if damaged.
76. Install scavenge tube seal into case, then scavenge tube into case. Tap tube in lightly using a plastic hammer to ensure fit in both seals (one in case and one in driven sprocket support). Pipe rib will remain exposed, this is normal.
77. Install scavenge bolt, then torque to 6-10 ft. lbs.
78. Install selective washer and thrust roller bearing onto differential output shaft, then insert case extension seal into case extension.
79. Install case extension onto case, then hand tighten bolts and stud. Stud should be in 11 o'clock position, 10 mm bolt on 4 o'clock position and remaining bolts in no particular order.
80. Measure final drive endplay as outlined in "Transaxle Disassemble." Torque in a star pattern, case extension bolts (except 10 mm bolt) and stud to 37-40 ft. lbs., torque 10 mm bolt to 15-20ft. lbs.
81. Inspect speed sensor O-ring for damage; threads on cooler connector for damage; measure resistance in speed sensor; inspect cooler fitting for clogging, damage and thread damage.
82. Install speed sensor and new seal into case extension, then install bolt. Torque bolt to 6-10 ft. lbs.
83. Install cooler fitting and new seal into case, then torque fitting to 19-21 ft. lbs.
84. Inspect torque converter lugs for stripped threads and cracked welds and turbine shaft for spline damage.
85. Install new O-ring on turbine shaft, then pump shaft into turbine shaft and pump shaft.
86. Install torque converter, then new axle seals. Output shaft is used to pilot seals and tool into case. Ensure snap rings are installed on output shaft.
87. Remove holding fixture from transaxle. Use caution when removing fixture from transaxle due to its weight.