Splice Locations Part 2
S2l7 Engine harness, behind RH side of I/P, 8 inches
S301 Body main harness, 26 inches rearward of front edge of LH rocker panel channel
S302 Body main harness, under driver's seat, 1 inch right of LH rocker panel channel
S302 Body main harness, under driver's seat, I inch right of LH rocker panel channel
S303 Body main harness, 24 inches rearward of front edge of LH rocker panel channel
S304 Body main harness, 11 inches rearward of front edge of LH rocker panel channel
S306 Body main harness, 3 inches forward of rear edge of RH rocker panel channel
S306 Body main harness, 3 inches forward of rear edge of RH rocker panel channel
S307 Body main harness, near LE front door grommet P500, 1 inch left of kick panel
S307 Body main harness, near LH front door grommet P500, 1 inch left of kick panel
S307 Body main harness, near LH front door grommet P5oo, 1 inch left of kick panel
S307 Body main harness. near LH front door grommet P500, 1 inch left of kick panel
S308 Body main harness, under driver's seat, 6 inches right of LH rocker panel channel
S309 Console harness, in console, 2 inches forward of in-line connector (C308) breakout
S309 Console harness, in console, 2 inches forward of in-line connector (C308) breakout
S309 Console harness, in console, 2 inches forward of in-line connector C308 breakout
S310 Body main harness, under driver's seat, 9 inches right of LH rocker panel channel
S311 (Concours) Driver's power seat harness, under driver's seat, 4 inches from connector C316 breakout
S311 (Eldorado/Seville) Driver's power seat harness, in in-line connector (C302) branch, 4 inches from breakout
S311 (Eldorado/Seville) Driver's power seat harness, in in-line connector (C3O2) branch, 4 inches from breakout
S311 (Eldorado/Seville) Driver's power seat harness, in inline connector (C302) branch, 4 inches from breakout
S312 Passenger's power seat harness, in in-line connector (C303) branch, 4 inches from breakout
S312 Passenger's power seat harness, in inline connector (C303) branch, 4 inches from breakout
S315 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, 9 inches forward of rear edge of LH rocker panel channel
S315 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, 9 inches forward of rear edge of LH rocker panel channel
S315 Body main harness, 9 inches forward of rear edge of LH rocker panel channel Eldorado/Seville Deville/Concours
S318 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, 18 inches rearward of front edge of LH rocker panel channel
S318 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, 14 inches rearward of front edge of LH rocker panel channel
S322 Body main harness, 21 inches rearward of front edge of LH rocker panel channel
S323 Body main harness, 15 inches rearward of front edge of LH rocker panel channel
S324 Body main harness, 25 inches rearward of front edge of LH rocker panel channel
S325 (Concours) Driver's power seat harness, under driver's seat, 4 inches from connector C314 breakout
S325 (Deville) Driver's power seat harness, under driver's seat, 10 inches from connector C317
S325 (Deville) Driver's power seat harness, under driver's seat, 10 inches from connector C317
S325 (Eldorado/Seville) Driver's power seat harness, in in-line connector (C302) branch, 8 inches from breakout
S325 (Eldorado/Seville) Driver's power seat harness, in inline connector (C302) branch, 8 inches from breakout
S326 (Concours) Passenger's power seat harness, under passenger's seat, 11 inches from body main harness connector
S326 (Deville) Passenger's power seat harness, under passenger's seat, 17 inches from Recliner Switch connector
S326 (Deville) Passenger's power seat harness, under passenger's seat, 17 inches from Reclines Switch connector
S326 (Eldorado/Seville) Passenger's power seat harness, in in-line connector (C303) branch, 8 inches from breakout
S326 (Eldorado/Seville) Passenger's power seat harness, in inline connector (C303) branch, 8 inches from breakout
S327 (Deville/Concours) Driver's heated seat harness, under driver's seat, 15 inches from body main harness connector (C304)
S327 (Eldorado/Seville) Driver's heated seat harness, under driver's seat, 15 inches from body main harness connector (C304)
S328 (Deville/Concours) Passenger's heated seat harness, under~ passenger seat, 15 inches from body main harness connector (C305)
S328 (Eldorado/Seville) Passenger's heated seat harness, under passenger's seat, 15 inches from body main harness connector (C305)
S32l Console harness, in console, 4 inches forward of in-line connector C308 breakout
S330 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, 8 inches forward of front edge of RH seat pan channel
S330 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, 8 inches forward of front edge of RH seat pan channel
S330 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 18 inches forward of rear edge of RH seat pan channel
S330 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 18 inches forward of rear edge of RH seat pan channel
S331 Body main harness, 26 inches rearward of front edge of LH rocker panel channel
S334 In console, in Rear Blower Motor pigtail
S335 In console, in Rear Blower Motor pigtail
S341 Driver's power seat harness, under driver's seat, 2 inches from Recliner Motor breakout
S342 Passenger's power seat harness, under passenger's seat, 15 inches from body main harness connector
S343 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, 7 inches forward of rear edge of RH rocker panel channel
S343 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 7 inches left of grommet P400 breakout
S343 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 7, inches left of grommet P400 breakout
S344 Body main harness, in RH rocker panel channel, 3 inches forward of crosscar breakout
S345 Body main harness, 8 inches rearward of front edge of LH rocker panel channel
S346 Body main harness, near LH front door grommet (P500), 4 inches left of LH kick panel
S347 Body main harness, by RH kick panel, 2 inches from ground G301 breakout
S348 Body main harness, by RH kick panel, 2 inches from ground G301 breakout
S349 Driver's power seat harness, under driver's seat, 8 inches from Seat Memory Module
S350 Driver's power seat harness, under driver's seat, 2 inches from breakout to Position Sensors
S351 Body main harness, in LH rocker panel channel, 8 inches forward of crosscar breakout
S353 Body main harness, under RH front seat, 5 inches right of power seat connectors breakout
S354 Body main harness, 3 inches forward of front edge of RH seat pan channel
S355 Body main harness, 5 inches forward of front edge of RH seat pan channel
S356 Body main harness, 21 inches rearward of front edge of LH rocker panel channel
S357 Body main harness, 9 inches rearward of rear edge of LH rocker panel channel
S360 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, 14 inches rearward of front edge of LH rocker panel channel
S401 Body main harness, near LH rear wheelhouse, 5 inches forward of trunk lid branch breakout
S402 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, 14 inches below breakout to upper rear shelf
S402 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, 14 inches forward of header connector breakout (C301)
S402 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, 14 inches forward of header connector breakout C301
S402 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, 14 inches forward of header connector breakout C301
S402 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, 14 inches forward of header connector breakout (C301)
S403 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, LH side of trunk, 7 inches forward of Trunk Compartment Fuse Block breakout
S403 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 18 inches forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S403 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, LH side of trunk, 7 inches forward of Trunk Competent Fuse Block breakout
S404 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, 11 inches below breakout to upper rear shelf
S404 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, ii inches below breakout to upper rear shelf
S404 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, 11 inches forward of header connector breakout (C301)
S404 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, ii inches forward of header connector breakout (C301)
S404 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, 11 inches forward of header connector breakout (C301)
S405 Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 3 inches left of grommet P400 branch
S406 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, 13 inches forward of rear edge of LH rocker panel channel
S406 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 1 inch rearward of front edge of LH seat pan channel
S406(Eldorado//Seville) Body main Harness, under LH rear seat, 1 inch rearward of front edge of LH seat pan Channel
S407 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 12 inches rearward of front edge of LH seat pan channel
S407 (Deville~Concours) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 12 inches rearward of front edge of LH seat pan channel
S407 (DeVille/Concours) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 12 inches rearward of front edge of LH seat pan channel
S407 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 16 inches forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S407 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 16 inches forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S407 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 12 inches rearward of front edge of LH seat pan channel
S408 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 3 inches right of LH edge of seat back channel
S408 (Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 8 inches forward of trunk lid branch breakout
S409 Body main harness, above LH rear wheelhouse, 8 inches forward of trunk lid branch breakout
S410 (Deville/Concours) License lamps harness, in center of trunk lid, 5 inches right of harness connector C408
S410 (Deville/Concours) License lamps harness, in center of trunk lid, 5 inches right of harness connector C408
S410 (Eldorado/Seville) License lamps harness, in center of trunk lid, 5 inches right of harness connector C408
S410 (Eldorado/Seville) License lamps harness, in center of trunk lid, 5 inches right of harness connector C408
S411 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 4 inches rearward of front edge of LH seat pan channel
S411 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 4 inches rearward of front edge of LH seat pan channel
S412 (Deville/Concours) Body main Harness, under RH rear seat, 3 inches right of grommet P400 branch
S412 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 3 inches right of grommet P400 branch
S412 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 6 inches right of grommet P400 branch
S412 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 6 inches right of grommet P400 branch
S413 Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 5 inches forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S415 (Deville/Concours) License lamps harness, in center of trunk lid, 1 inch from grommet P405 branch
S415 (Deville/Concours) License lamps harness, in center of trunk lid, 1 inch from grommet P405 branch
S415 (Eldorado Export) License lamps harness, in trunk lid, 6 inches from grommet P405
S415 (Eldorado/Seville) License lamps harness, in center of trunk lid, 5 inches from hamess connector C408
S415 (Eldorado/Seville) License lamps harness, in center of trunk lid, 5 inches from harness connector C408
S415 (Seville Export) License lamps harness in trunk lid, 4 inches from interconnect C408
S416 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, LH side of trunk, 5 inches forward of
S416 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, LH side of trunk, 5 inches forward of Fuel Door Release Solenoid breakout
S416 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, LH side of trunk, 3 inches rearward of Fuel Door Release Solenoid breakout
S416 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, LH side of trunk, 3 inches rearward of Fuel Door Release Solenoid breakout
S417 Rear lamps deck lid harness, in RH side of trunk lid, 2 inches forward of grommet P402
S418 Rear lamps deck lid harness, in LH side of trunk lid, 2 inches forward of grommet P404
S418 Rear lamps deck lid harness, in LH side of trunk lid, 2 inches forward of grommet P404
S419 Body main harness, RH rear of trunk, 11 inches from connector C400
S419 Body main harness, RH rear of trunk, 11 inches from connector C400
S420 (Deville/Concours) RH rear quarter lamps harness, RH rear of trunk, 7 inches from interconnect C400
S420 (Deville/Concours) RH rear quarter lamps harness, RH rear of trunk, 7 inches from interconnect C4OO
S420 (Seville Export, Eldorado) RH rear quarter lamps harness, RH rear of trunk, 3 inches forward of grommet P401
S420 (Seville Export, Eldorado) RH rear quarter lamps harness, RH rear of trunk, 3 inches forward of grommet P401
S420 (Seville U.S.A) RH rear quarter lamps harness, RH rear of trunk, 2 inches rearward of grommet P401
S421 (Deville/Concours) LH rear quarter lamps harness, LH rear of trunk, 7 inches from interconnect C401
S421 (Seville Export, Eldorado) LH rear quarter lamps harness, LH rear of trunk, 3 inches forward of grommet P403
S421 (Seville U.S.A.) LH rear quarter lamps harness, LH rear of trunk, 2 inches rearward of grommet P403
S422 Body main harness, behind RH rear seat, 9 inches above rear edge of RH seat pan channel
S423 Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 16 inches forward of rear edge of RH seat pan channel
S424 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 13 inches right of LH edge of seat back channel
S424 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 13 inches right of LH edge of seat back channel
S424 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 5 inches right of LH edge of seat back channel
S424 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 5 inches right of LH edge of seat back channel
S425 Body main harness under RH rear seat, 10 inches forward of rear edge of RH seat pan channel
S425 Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 10 inches forward of rear edge of RH seat pan channel
S425 Trunk Compartment, near Fuel Filler Door
S426 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 2 inches left of LH edge of seat back channel
S426 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 2 inches left of grommet P400 branch
S427 Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 5 inches forward of rear edge of RH seat pan channel
S428 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 3 inches forward of rear edge of RH seat pan channel
S428 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 8 inches forward of rear edge of RH seat pan channel
S428 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, 3 inches forward of rear edge of LH rocker panel channel
S428 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, 3 inches forward of rear edge of LH rocker panel channel
S430 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, 9 inches forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S430 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 11 inches forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S430 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 11 inches forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S430) (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, 9 inches forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S431 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, 4 inches forward of rear edge of LH rocker panel channel
S431 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 13 inches forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S432 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 6 inches forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S432 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 8 inches forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S433 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 11 inches right of LH edge of seat back channel
S433 (Seville) Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 3 inches right of grommet P400 breakout
S434 Body main harness, LH electronics bay, 5 inches left of Keyless Entry Module breakout
S435 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, at breakout to upper rear shelf
S435 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, at header breakout (C301)
S435 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, at header breakout (C301)
S436 Body main harness, above LH wheelhouse, 2 inches forward of trunk lid branch breakout
S437 Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, 5 inches forward of header breakout C301
S438 Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, 7 inches forward of header breakout C301
S439 Body main harness, RH side of trunk, 3 inches forward of Remote Radio Receiver breakout
S440 Body main harness, RH side of trunk, 3 inches forward of Remote Radio Receiver breakout
S441 Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 5 inches left of grommet P400 breakout
S442 Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 5 inches left of grommet P400 breakout
S442 Body main harness, under LH rear seat, S inches left of grommet P400 breakout
S444 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under LE rear seat, 1 inch forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S444 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 1 inch forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S444 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, behind RH rear seat, 5 inches above rear edge of RH seat pan channel
S444 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, behind RH rear seat, S inches above rear edge of RH seat pan channel
S445 Body main harness, RH electronics bay, 2 inches rearward of RSS Module breakout
S446 Body main harness, under center of rear seats, in grommet P400 branch, 2 inches from breakout
S446 Body main harness. under center of rear seats, in grommet P400 branch, 2 inches from breakout
S447 Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 1 inch right of LH edge of seat back channel
S448 Rear lamps deck lid harness, in LH side of trunk lid, 4 inches forward of grommet P404
S449 Rear lamps deck lid harness, in RH side of trunk lid, 4 inches forward of grommet P402
S450 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 3 inches forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S450 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under LH rear seat, 5 inches forward of rear edge of LH seat pan channel
S452 LH rear quarter lamps harness, LH rear of trunk, 4 inches forward of grommet P403
S453 RH rear quarter lamps harness, RH rear of trunk, 5 inches forward of grommet P401
S455 Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, 6 inches below breakout to upper rear shelf
S456 Body main harness, in LH electronics bay, 9 inches below breakout to upper rear shelf
S457 LH rear quarter lamps harness, LH rear of car, 4 inches below upper tail lamp breakout
S458 RH rear quarter lamps harness, RH rear of car, 4 inches below upper tail lamp breakout
S459 License lamp harness, in center of trunk lid, 3 inches from grommet P405
S460 (Deville/Concours) Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 10 inches forward of rear edge of RH seat pan channel
S460 (Eldorado/Seville) Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 13 inches forward of rear edge of RH seat pan channel
S461 Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 13 inches forward of rear edge of RH seat pan channel
S462 Body main harness, under RH rear seat, 8 inches forward of rear edge of RH seat panel channel
S470 Body main harness, RH electronics bay, 2 inches rearward of RSS Module breakout
S47l Body main harness, RH electronics bay, 4 inches rearward of RSS Module breakout
S480 (Deville/Concours) RH rear quarter lamps harness, RH rear of trunk, 9 inches from interconnect C400
S480 (Seville) RH rear quarter lamps harness, RH rear of trunk, 2 inches forward of grommet P401
S481 (Deville/Concours) LH rear quarter lamps harness, LH rear of trunk, 9 inches from interconnect C401
S481 (Seville) LH rear quarter lamps harness, LH rear of trunk, 2 inches forward of grommet P403
S500 Body main harness, in LH front door, 2 inches rearward of LH Front Power Window Motor breakout
S500 Body main harness, in LH front door, 2 inches rearward of LH front power window motor breakout
S500 Body main harness. in LH front door, 2 inches rearward of LH Front Power Window Motor breakout
S503 Body main harness, in LH front door, 2 inches rearward of outside mirror connector (C501) breakout
S5316 Console harness, in console, 7 inches forward of in-line connector (C308) breakout
S600 Body main harness, in RH front door, 3 inches rearward of RH Front Power Window Motor breakout
S601 Body main harness, in RH front door, 4 inches forward of outside minor connector (C601)
S601 Body main harness, in RH front door, 4 inches forward of outside mirror connector (C601)
S601 Body main harness, in RH front door, 4 inches forward of outside mirror connector C601
S701 LH rear door harness, in flood lamp breakout, 4 inches rearward of Flood Lamp connector
S801 RH rear door harness, in flood lamp breakout, 5 inches rearward of Flood Lamp connector
S901 Header harness, 5 inches right of LH Vanity Mirror connector breakout
S903 Header harness, 5 inches from LH Rear Header Lamp breakout
S904 Header harness, 2 inches from LH Rear Header Lamp breakout
S908 (Concours/Deville) Header harness, 12 inches forward of RH Rear Header Lamp
S908 (Eldorado/Seville) Header harness, 14 inches forward of RH Rear Header Lamp
S909 (Concours/Deville) Header harness, 15 inches forward of RH Rear Header Lamp
S909 (Eldorado/Seville) Header harness, 17 inches forward of RH Rear Header Lamp