A/T - Reapplying Sealing Adhesive on Transaxle Bolts
Group Ref.: 7 - TransmissionBulletin No.: 47-71-11A
Date: February, 1995
Reapplying Sealing Adhesive on Bolts
1993 Cadillac Allante
1993-95 Cadillac Eldorado, Seville
1994-95 Cadillac Concours
1995 Oldsmobile Aurora
with Hydra-Matic 4T80-E Transaxle (RPO MH1)
This bulletin is being revised to add the 1995 model year and to also apply sealant to bolt # 129. Please discard bulletin number 477111 (Group Reference 7 - Transmission).
Do not reapply GM sealing adhesive or equivalent to any of the bolts for the pump assemblies and valve body assemblies, illustration numbers are 232, 233, 234, 235, 329, and 330 (See Figure 2). A GM sealing adhesive was used for final test and is not required for any overhauls. Excessive sealing adhesive or equivalent could cause sediment and shift concerns.
The following bolts "MUST" have GM sealant adhesive, P/N 12346004 or equivalent applied before re-assembly, 127,128,129 and 032 (See Figures 2 and 3). This helps prevent potential porosity leaks in the case cover and case extension.
Please update Section 7A of your service manual as appropriate.