Doors, Front - May Not Stay Open On Slight Grades
File in Section: 10 - BodyBulletin No.: 43-10-43A
Date: February, 1995
Front Doors May not stay Open on Slight Grades (Replace Door Springs)
1994-95 Cadillac Concours, DeVille
This bulletin is being revised to add the 1995 model year. Please discard bulletin number 431043 (Group Reference 10 - Body).
Some owners may comment that the front doors may not stay open on slight grades.
Condition is due to insufficient strength in the door spring.
Replace the doors springs, P/N 20572700, in both front doors using special tool J 36604-1.
1. Paint new springs.
2. Install tool in far coils of spring:
a. Tool adjustment may be necessary.
b. Use mallet, it required.
3. Tighten nut on tool.
4. Remove spring with tool.
5. Remove spring from tool:
a. Loosen nut.
b. Remove spring.
6. Insert new spring onto tool.
7. Tighten nut.
8. Install.
9. Loosen nut.
10. Remove tool.
11. Touch up paint.
Parts are currently available from GMSPO.
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:
Labor Operation Labor Time
B4050 (Right Side) Use published labor
B4051 (Left Side) operation time.