ABS Anti-lock Brake SystemACAC Automatic Control Air Conditioning
ACL Air Cleaner System
ACP Air Conditioner Programmer
AIR Secondary Air Injection System
ALDL Assembly Line Data Link (now referred to as DLC)
ALS Ambient Light Sensor
CCC Climate Control Center
CCM Central Control Module
CTS Coolant Temperature Sensor (now referred to as ECT)
DERM Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module (part of SIR)
DI Distributor Ignition
DIL Delayed Interior Lighting
DLC Data Link Connector (formerly ALDL)
DRL Daytime Running Lamps
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
EBTCM Electronic Brake and Traction Control Module
ECC Electronic Climate Control
ECT Engine Coolant Temperature
EECS Evaporative Emission Control System
EEPROM Electronically Eraseable Programable Read Only Memory
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
ESC Electronic Spark Control (now referred to as KS)
EST Electronic Spark Timing (now referred to as IC)
EVAP Evaporative Emission Control System
FLC Forward Light Electrical Center
HO2S Heated Oxygen Sensor
HVAC Heater, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
IAC Idle Air Control
IAT Intake Air Temperature
IC Ignition Control (previously EST)
ICM Ignition Control Module
I/P Instrument Panel
IPC Instrument Panel Cluster
KS Knock Sensor (previously ESC)
MAP Manifold Air Pressure
MIL Malfunction Indicator Lamp
O2S Oxygen Sensor
PCM Powertrain Control Module
PNP Park Neutral Position
PROM Programable Read Only Memory
PSP Power Steering Pressure
RAP Retained Accessory Power
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
RTD/RSS Road Sensing Suspension
SDL Serial Data Link
SES Service Engine Soon
SES-MIL Service Engine Soon - Malfunction Indicator Lamp
SIR Supplemental Inflatable Restraint
TBI Throttle Body Injection
TC Traction Control
TCC Torque Converter Clutch
TCS Traction Control System
TP Throttle Position Sensor
TPS Throttle Position Sensor
TR Transmission Range
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
VES Variable Effort Steering
VF Vacuum Fluorescent
VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor
WSS Wheel Speed Sensor