Catalytic Converter: Service and Repair
REMOVAL1. Raise the vehicle and support the catalytic converter.
2. Remove the post-oxygen sensor heat shield.
3. Remove the post-oxygen sensor.
4. Cut the catalytic converter outlet. Cut through the converter pipe only.
5. Remove the exhaust manifold rear pipe flange bolts.
6. Remove the converter.
7. Remove the portions of the converter outlet remaining in the intermediate pipe.
1. Install the catalytic converter. Position the intermediate pipe inside of the catalytic converter outlet tube, for the needed clearance during the converter installation.
2. Install the converter seal.
3. Install the exhaust manifold rear pipe flange nuts. Tighten the rear pipe flange bolts to 24 Nm (30 ft. lbs.).
4. Install the U-bolt type clamp. Tighten the rear pipe flange bolts to 24 Nm (18 ft. lbs.). Tighten the clamp nuts to 50 Nm (37 ft. lbs.).
5. Install the post oxygen sensor.
6. Install the post oxygen sensor heat shield.