Lighting and Horns: Application and ID
Use the chart below to determine which harness (either U.S.A. or Export) the vehicle was built with. The harness build information is needed throughout to identify the specific wiring information to use.COUNTRY (RPO CODE) HARNESS
Aruba (MAU) U.S.A.
Austria (CT2) Export
Bahrain (CW2) U.S.A.
Belgium (CT1) Export
Canada (Z49) U.S.A.
Caruso (MAU) U.S.A.
Denmark (CT7) Export
Finland (CU2) Export
France (CU3) Export
Germany (CT3) Export
Guam (CW6) U.S.A.
Isreal (CV4) Export
Italy (CT6) Export
Japan (CV5) Export
Korea (CW1) Export
Luxembourg (CT4) Export
Mexico (CV3) U.S.A.
Netherlands (CT5) Export
Norway (CU1) Export
Oman (CW2) U.S.A.
Poland (CR6) Export
Puetro Rico (CW7) U.S.A.
Qatar (CW2) U.S.A.
Saudi (CU8) U.S.A.
Spain (CT9) Export
Sweden (CU4) Export
Switzerland (CU5) Export
Taiwan (CU6) U.S.A.
United Kingdom (CU9) Export
United States U.S.A.
Virgin Islands (CW7) U.S.A.