Cruise Control Servo Cable: Service and Repair
REMOVAL PROCEDURE1. Open the throttle by rotating the cable cam in order to remove the tension from the cruise control cable.
2. Hold the throttle cam open, slide the cruise cable fitting (2) off of the pin (1) on the throttle cam by pushing the cable fitting towards the throttle close direction.
3. Release the tab on the cable housing in order to remove the cable housing from the cable retainer bracket.
4. Disconnect the cruise control cable (3) from the cruise control module buckle (2).
IMPORTANT: Note cable routing and retainer position for reference during installation.
5. Remove the cable clamps holding the cruise control (1) and accelerator cables together.
6. Remove the cruise control cable (1) from the vehicle.
1. Connect the electrical connector to the cruise control module (1).
2. Install the cruise control cable (3) to the cruise control module assembly buckle (2).
3. Snap the cruise control cable (3) into the cruise control module (1).
4. Install the cruise control cable (2) to the engine bracket.
5. Check to insure the tab on the cable is engaged.
6. Hold the throttle open and slide the cruise control cable fitting (2) onto the throttle cam pin (1)
7. Install the cruise control cable clamps.
8. Adjust the cruise control cable it needed. Refer to Cruise Control Cable Adjustment.